Create pdf using script

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by BenC, Feb 23, 2005.

  1. BenC

    BenC Guest

    I posted this over at plotting group and did not get any result, So I am trying at this group. Hope somebody can help me. In creating pdf file, I need to use oversize A0 paper size for some of the drawings. Because of the space between the 'oversize' and 'A0', I could not use script to plot drawings to pdf format. Is there a way to create a custom paper size other than the standard ?.
    Have tried and without success. Any idea is appreciated
    BenC, Feb 23, 2005
  2. BenC

    dean_bourke Guest

    Have you tried creating/editing a pc3 file for your plotter.

    I use a PostscriptLevel2 Plotter and create custom paper sizes in it. Then I use Ghostcript to convert the PS file to PDF.

    dean_bourke, Feb 24, 2005
  3. BenC

    BenC Guest

    Thank you Dean for the reply. I have tried quite a few different way and without any luck. Have not try the Ghostscript. I use Adobe Acrobat, and it won't allow to create custom paper size. Ben.
    BenC, Feb 24, 2005
  4. BenC

    hulioman Guest

    Set up all the printer settings.
    Make a dummy plot.

    creat a lisp file containing these lines...
    (if (= opt 1)
    (command "plot" "no" "" SETUP "" "yes" (strcat (getvar "dwgprefix") (vl-filename-base (getvar "Dwgname")) ".plt") "no" "yes")
    (command "plot" "no" "" SETUP "" "no" "no" "yes")
    (plotfast "Previous Plot" 1)

    ... now run this lisp file.
    This will create a 0 byte plt file but it will run through a script without bringing up the Adobe dialog box.
    hulioman, Feb 25, 2005
  5. BenC

    BenC Guest

    Thank you for your suggestion. However, I am not sure this would help me. Let me explain a bit more. the following
    is a example of my script for plotting to pdf format:

    filedia 0 tilemode 0 CMDDIA 0 _Plot y

    This work find for a letter size paper. But, if I want a paper size 'oversize A0' from the Adobe standard size selection
    then it would not work. Please note there is a space between the 'oversize' and 'A0', this space would mean a keyboard 'return' in the script, that would prevent the script to goes through.
    I know I can use lisp, but need to make a script to use script generator to create a batch plot a whole bunch of drawings.
    From your lisp, could use 'previous plot', but because of the same reason, a space between 'previous' and 'plot' would again interrupt the script.
    Therefore, my question is, how can I create a custom paper size with a name with one word for Adobe Acrobat, or make plot parameters to 'previous plot' on all drawing opened.

    BenC, Feb 25, 2005
  6. BenC

    BenC Guest

    Anybody have any suggestion ?
    BenC, Mar 1, 2005
  7. BenC

    The Real JD Guest

    Adobe Acrobat will allow a custom sheet size, you need to create a PC3 and
    change the custom properties in the PC3 file. you can have a custom sheet
    size up to 200 x 200 inches in size.

    What version of AutoCAD are you using?
    The Real JD, Mar 3, 2005
  8. BenC

    BenC Guest

    I use Autocad 2002.
    BenC, Mar 4, 2005
  9. BenC

    Nirmal Guest

    Have you tried PDF999 printer driver? You can download it free from
    Nirmal, Mar 14, 2005
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