Create label

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by noreply, Jul 15, 2009.

  1. noreply

    noreply Guest

    Dear all,
    I'm trying to create a label at a particular co-ordinate in layout
    (cadence virtuoso).
    Could you please suggest me which command i should use.
    *(actually,I created pins using "leCreatePin"
    leCreatePin( geGetEditCellView() list("M1_CAD" "TEXT") "rectangle" list
    (0:0 10:10) "term1" "input" list("left" "right") )
    But my Assura LVS tool doesn't understand that i have drawn a pin. And
    if i create a label using GUI mode , it accepts the label as a pin.
    Hence I'm trying to create pins in my layout using label)
    Thanks and regards,
    lokesh rajendran.
    noreply, Jul 15, 2009
  2. noreply

    Ahmad Guest


    Use dbCreateLable() to create labels:

    1. You can give layer number and default purpose is drawing, like:

    dbCreateLabel(cv 4 1:1 "myLabel" "centerLeft" "R0" "roman" 2)

    This will creates a label in a particular cellview cv with specified
    layer 4, purpose drawing (by default), origin 1:1, text myLabel,
    justification centerLeft, orientation R0, font roman, and height 2.

    2. You can also give a list of layer name and purpose, like this:

    dbCreateLabel(cv list("metal1" "text_label") 1:1 "myLabel"
    "centerLeft" "R0" "roman" 2)

    This will creates a label in a particular cellview cv with specified
    layer "metal1", purpose "text_label", origin 1:1, text myLabel,
    justification centerLeft, orientation R0, font roman, and height 2.

    3. Here's a sample test:

    d_selSet = car( geGetSelSet( ) )
    l_lpp = d_selSet~>lpp
    n_x = xCoord( upperRight( d_selSet~>bBox ) )*0.5
    n_y = yCoord( upperRight( d_selSet~>bBox ) )*0.5
    t_label="This a sample test for labels"
    t_just ="centerLeft"
    t_orient = "R0"

    d_cellView ;; your db item of cv
    l_lpp ;; list of layer and purpose pair
    n_x:n_y ;; location of the label
    t_label ;; your text of the label
    t_just ;; your value for justification
    t_orient ;; your value for orientation
    t_font ;; your value for font
    x_height ;; your value for font size or hight

    Ahmad, Jul 15, 2009
  3. noreply

    noreply Guest

    Hi Ahmad,
    Thanks for the input and timely help.
    Lokesh rajendran.
    noreply, Jul 15, 2009
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