Create coordinate system

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by speedbump, Sep 16, 2005.

  1. speedbump

    speedbump Guest

    I have been using Proe WF2 for only a short time and I need to create a
    second coordinate system that I can orient the z axis by 14 degrees.
    I have read tons of information on creating and orienting another
    coordinate system but obviously, I missed the relevant info because It
    doesn't work for me.
    I click on the DATUM COORDINATE SYSTEM icon and it either crashes ProE
    or just flashes temporarily in the model tree and then disappears. I
    don't get the window that allows me to choose the settings (like the
    help files say I should get).
    I have tried using INSERT, MODEL DATUM, COORDINATE SYSTEM and it does
    just the same as the icon.
    I have tried with a new empty part file, a regular part file and an
    assembly file. I have tried using surfaces and solids. All fail.
    Is there some setting, maybe in config that can fix this?
    How do I do it?
    Thanks for any information that you can give.

    speedbump, Sep 16, 2005
  2. speedbump

    speedbump Guest

    Hi Ben. Thanks for replying so promptly. I will have to check the build
    at work next week. But you say that you can create a coordinate system
    with no problem.
    If you create a new part file and there is nothing on screen except the
    three datum planes and the default coordinate system, can you add
    another coordinate system and rotate the z axis, just by clicking the
    icon in the datum toolbar?
    This is what I need to do and the help files say that should happen,
    but with me, it doesn't do it. If it works for you, then there is
    something wrong with my system. The administrator is off sick right now
    but as soon as he comes back to work I will talk to him. In the
    meantime, it would be nice to solve the problem then I can continue to
    work on the project.
    Thanks again
    speedbump, Sep 17, 2005
  3. speedbump

    David Janes Guest

    What hardware are you trying to run Pro on?
    David Janes, Sep 17, 2005
  4. speedbump

    speedbump Guest

    Hi David,
    the computer is a P4, 2.4Ghz with 1 G ram and high end video card etc.
    The machine works great with ProE normally except this feature.
    Unless it has a faulty ram chip or some other glitch that I am not
    aware of.
    I take it from your response that it should create the coordinate
    system with no problems.
    So there is no setting in ProE that I can make to fix this?
    Maybe it needs to be reinstalled. Possible corrupted file.
    It looks like I will have to wait for the Admin to look at it.

    Thanks for your reply
    speedbump, Sep 17, 2005
  5. speedbump

    David Janes Guest

    What I was looking for was hard facts, so that I could put your hardware setup in
    the certified/supported column.... or not. So, is your hardware on this list:
    If not, you've entered the Helpdesk "crapshoot" area. Maybe they have an idea
    what's going on but, since you saw fit to buy the offbrand "cheap" stuff, you're
    on your own. BTW, Intel P4 with a gig of ram and a "high end" graphics card can be
    on a Systemax 'gaming screamer' from Tiger Direct. If you're used to running $35
    cards, then the $350 ATI card is a "high end" graphics card, so, if we're not
    precise, the jargon, like "high end", gets in the way. The PTC list tells you what
    Pro/e runs well on and that's ALL that counts. If you're not running Pro/e on
    "certified/supported" hardware, results WILL vary!!! Sorry to insult you if you
    are WELL AWARE of all these hardware technical issues: it's just that your
    response to my query on hardware sounded as if you were completely oblivious to
    the role the hardware plays in the successful, crash-free implementation of a
    Pro/e installation.
    Yup, pretty much. They put functions in their software that work when you press an
    icon. Generally, if it doesn't work on your license configuration, (i.e., you need
    to order another module to get the functionality), the icon or menu item will be
    greyed out. If it craps out, it's a programming or hardware problem, NOT a
    configuration problem. NO configuration is MEANT to make the program crash.
    (Otherwise, users would have sued their asses off a long time ago.) On two systems
    I work on, it works just fine... ¡no problemo!
    There never was a setting in Pro/e that made or prevented crashes. I never heard
    of a crashing problem being solved by changing a setting in, sorry,
    it's never been that easy or obvious.
    David Janes, Sep 18, 2005
  6. speedbump

    speedbump Guest

    Hi David,
    the problem was solved by re-installing the program. Must have been a
    corrupted file. Wonder why I didn't suggest that!
    You know, usually a simple, straight forward answer is the best.
    Of course that wouldn't allow one to impress the world with his
    superior skill and knowledge.
    By the way, I wonder how many times ProE failed to perform a single
    operation when everything else was working, because it was running on
    "cheap", "non David Janes approved" equipment.
    Remind me not to ask you for directions downtown in case you send me on
    a roundabout trip to another city and insult my choice of vehicle.

    Anyway, I thank you for the last two parts of your reply which are more
    to the point and are all that was needed.

    speedbump, Sep 19, 2005
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