Create a region from a polyline code?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by pfeifern, Mar 17, 2005.

  1. pfeifern

    pfeifern Guest

    Does anyone have a sample VBA code for creating a region from a polyline. I can't figure it out.

    pfeifern, Mar 17, 2005
  2. pfeifern

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    This is very rudimentary, but it should give you a start....

    Sub addRegion_Example()
    Dim oEnt As AcadEntity
    Dim vPick
    Dim oRegions
    Dim oRegObjects(0) As AcadEntity
    ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity oEnt, vPick, "Select pline to create region
    from: "
    If TypeOf oEnt Is AcadLWPolyline Then
    Set oRegObjects(0) = oEnt
    oRegions = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddRegion(oRegObjects)
    End If
    End Sub
    Jeff Mishler, Mar 17, 2005
  3. pfeifern

    pfeifern Guest

    thanks for the post. Im actually looking to convert the following polyline code in to a region automatically (without having to pick).

    Sub Example_AddLightWeightPolyline()
    ' This example creates a light weight polyline in model space.

    Dim plineObj As AcadLWPolyline
    Dim points(0 To 9) As Double

    ' Define the 2D polyline points
    points(0) = 0: points(1) = 0
    points(2) = 2: points(3) = 0
    points(4) = 2: points(5) = 2
    points(6) = 0: points(7) = 2
    points(8) = 0: points(9) = 0

    ' Create a light weight Polyline object in model space
    Set plineObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLightWeightPolyline(points)

    End Sub
    pfeifern, Mar 17, 2005
  4. pfeifern

    pfeifern Guest

    thanks for the post. Im actually looking to convert the following polyline code in to a region automatically (without having to pick).

    Sub Example_AddLightWeightPolyline()
    ' This example creates a light weight polyline in model space.

    Dim plineObj As AcadLWPolyline
    Dim points(0 To 9) As Double

    ' Define the 2D polyline points
    points(0) = 0: points(1) = 0
    points(2) = 2: points(3) = 0
    points(4) = 2: points(5) = 2
    points(6) = 0: points(7) = 2
    points(8) = 0: points(9) = 0

    ' Create a light weight Polyline object in model space
    Set plineObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLightWeightPolyline(points)

    End Sub
    pfeifern, Mar 17, 2005
  5. pfeifern

    Joe Sutphin Guest

    Take the plineObj created by your code and poke it in the objRegObjects(0)
    array and you have it.

    Joe Sutphin, Mar 17, 2005
  6. pfeifern

    pfeifern Guest

    thanks Joe, By the way I've got your book and it's becoming a great resource for me (im an AutoCAD vet, but new to the programming thing).
    pfeifern, Mar 18, 2005
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