Create a lofted cut

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by cjdevries, Dec 12, 2006.

  1. cjdevries

    cjdevries Guest

    I'm trying to make a loft cut out of a dome.
    The dome has extruded cuts that make it look like a 12 pointed star. On
    the legs of the star i'm trying to take a lofted slice off.
    I keep getting the error message :

    Unable to create this feature because it would result in zero-thickness

    I have no clue what it means,(not that advanced wit SWX) or how to
    solve it...

    Can you please help?
    cjdevries, Dec 12, 2006
  2. cjdevries

    That70sTick Guest

    Illustration of zero-thickness geometry:

    Make a rectangular extruded block 10" x 20" x 5". Then cut an extruded
    hole of diameter 2" placed 1" from any edge.
    That70sTick, Dec 12, 2006
  3. cjdevries

    Gil Alsberg Guest

    "zero thickness geometry error" occurs for example: when you have an
    rectangular extruded boss on a plate, and you try to make another
    rectangular extruded boss feature with a sketch which starts on the same
    point which is shared with the previous feature. theoretically the resulting
    body should have two extruded bosses on a plate, which have a shared and
    common edge (this is also true for shared/common vertex). in this case the
    distance between the two features geometries is zero and the thickness of
    the resultant body at that point is zero also.
    So my advice to you is to try and "shift" a few insignificant (for you)
    microns the sketch or the feature parameters, so solidworks won't notice it
    and will enable the creation of the feature.

    The above example is principally correct for any feature type in solidworks
    and in other cad systems as well.

    Gil Alsberg
    Gil Alsberg, Dec 12, 2006

  4. I think you can get this type of error when your cut geometry is tangent or
    very close to tangent to your existing geometry. Can you extend your part or
    extend your cut so that they clearly overlap? This might help.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Dec 12, 2006
  5. Type in zero thickness geometry in SWx help
    hardcourtmudd, Dec 12, 2006
  6. cjdevries

    cjdevries Guest

    Thank you guys!

    After another hour af swearing yelling and trying i firgured it out...

    The result is satisfacory!

    cjdevries, Dec 13, 2006
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