Create a Line from VB.NET

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by bnjneer, Apr 18, 2004.

  1. bnjneer

    bnjneer Guest

    I am using VB.NET. I think I have figured out how to open AutoCad, but can not figure out startpoint, endpoint.

    Could someone post a VB.NET example on how to open AutoCad, draw a simple line, save the file, and possibly plot it (or any part of this request). If someone could give this to me, I think I can move along and figure more out on my own.

    I can't believe there isn't more documentation on this whole subject of using VB.NET to access autocad. There has to be something out there. Could someone please point me in the right direction?

    Thank you
    bnjneer, Apr 18, 2004
  2. If you are just learning AutoCAD automation, you'd be best served by using
    AutoCAD's VBA facilities. The help is comprehensive and loaded with working

    Once you're comfortable with VBA, switch to VB.NET. Since you'll be working
    with the exact some COM model, a few translation issues is all you'll have
    to deal with.
    Frank Oquendo, Apr 18, 2004
  3. bnjneer

    James Murphy Guest

    I'm in the same boat as bnjneer is. It's finding that starting point for me
    that I can't get yet. When you get the hosting back for your site post a
    simple example(please). The whole dot net is confusing me right now, is it
    C+, C#, VB or what and what files are created or need to be created. Opening
    up sample from the ADN sites there are header files, ref files, proj files
    and others that I have no clue what they are or do.

    James Murphy, Apr 18, 2004
  4. bnjneer

    jmodglin Guest

    Well, I am glad you found the Autodesk discussion group. Frank is going to be one of the best helps here and since we are assuming you have AutoCAD, then go to AutoCAD Developer Help. The help files are created based on VBA but the coding is similar.

    To answer directly the startpoint to a line is (if I remember right):

    Dim StartPoint(2) as Double
    jmodglin, Apr 19, 2004
  5. bnjneer

    jmodglin Guest

    Well, I am glad you found the Autodesk discussion group. Frank is going to be one of the best helps here and since we are assuming you have AutoCAD, then go to AutoCAD Developer Help. The help files are created based on VBA but the coding is similar.

    To answer directly the startpoint to a line is (if I remember right):

    Dim StartPoint(2) as Double
    jmodglin, Apr 19, 2004
  6. bnjneer

    jmodglin Guest

    Well, I am glad you found the Autodesk discussion group. Frank is going to be one of the best helps here and since we are assuming you have AutoCAD, then go to AutoCAD Developer Help. The help files are created based on VBA but the coding is similar.

    To answer directly the startpoint to a line is (if I remember right):

    Dim StartPoint(2) as Double
    jmodglin, Apr 19, 2004
  7. bnjneer

    Mark Propst Guest

    In autocad editor, menu at top of window, Help - Developer help
    3rd item from top
    Mark Propst, Apr 20, 2004
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