Crazy Patents

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by mjlombard, May 26, 2006.

  1. mjlombard

    mjlombard Guest

    This one brightened my afternoon.

    The "toy gas fired missile" and "Beerbrella" are particularly

    People spend money to get things like this patented. I guess this is
    why I reject any project that has to do with pets or the toilet.
    mjlombard, May 26, 2006
  2. mjlombard

    Bo Guest

    I think someone did that "missle" patent just to show he could do it
    and get something allowed.

    The trick for inventing, as I've approached it is how to get a far
    better product, simpler, lighter, fewer pieces and for significantly
    reduced cost where there is a distinct significant sized market for the
    product's function, where other "players" are not seeing the
    opportunity. Those are out there. They take "local knowledge" to see.

    When you can do that, you have at least a favorable chance for a big

    Bo, May 26, 2006
  3. mjlombard

    YouGoFirst Guest

    I think someone did that "missle" patent just to show he could do it
    I think that the "butt missile" project may have some sort of military
    application. Just think of it, the military would only need to pack the
    projectile around. The rest could be taken care of by adding extra starch
    to the MRE's.
    YouGoFirst, May 26, 2006
  4. mjlombard

    jmather Guest

    which a colonic gas is discharged. create a combustible mixture.
    The ignitor is then activated to explode the mixture in the chamber and
    fire the missile...

    Isn't this based on a miss-conception? I thought I read somewhere that
    the anal emissions of homo-sapiens are primarily water vapor and carbon
    dioxide and not methane as many believe. I'm not motivated to research
    the topic, but maybe Jon or Cliff can provide proof that a homo-sapien
    can in fact emit gasses of explosive concentration.
    jmather, May 27, 2006
  5. mjlombard

    TOP Guest

    =>Stud Spectacles

    I always wondered why people got into body piercing. Imagine glasses
    that won't slip off when you bend over, get sweaty or chop wood.

    =>User-operated amusement apparatus for kicking the user's buttocks

    I can think of a couple of frequent posters here who could use this

    =>Kissing Shield

    Julia Roberts and Sylvester Stallone come to mind in a scene in
    Demolition Man.

    =>Subliminal Glasses and Electrostatically Enhanced Game

    Two items with a SW application. The former may be the next giveaway at
    SWW with the message "That's an enhancement" and the latter may be
    installed in the software during beta test and set to go off when a bug
    occurs to ensure that all bugs are reported.
    TOP, May 27, 2006
  6. mjlombard

    John Layne Guest

    Quick research
    John Layne, May 27, 2006
  7. mjlombard

    TOP Guest

    I believe the flamability was demonstrated on "Sushi TV" which aired on
    Comcast's TV Guide channel some time ago. Apparently the Japanese have
    a penchant for televising the strange and wierd behaviour of
    individuals, i.e., conducting a sweat off to see who can sweat the most
    by weight, eating soup while standing on your head, etc.
    TOP, May 28, 2006
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