crashes... desperate for a fix

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by john, Oct 20, 2003.

  1. john

    john Guest

    System built July 03
    Win 2000 sp3
    P4 2.6Ghz
    Kingston 1Gb RAM
    Motherboard: Gigabyte 8ipe1000
    Graphics card: 3DLab Wildcat VP870
    WD HDD 120Gb (not connected thru SATA)
    Runnig Solidworks 2003 sp3.1

    I have been experiencing crashes during SWX sessions. It happens
    randomly: opening a file, starting a new part (calling up the
    template), switching from one window to another (within SWX),
    basically anytime.
    SWX just crashes and diplays this message:
    Solidworks has terminated due to an unhandled error.
    Please contact….blah blah blah
    Swx creates a performance log file. Following are 2 examples of the
    I have only copied the very last part of the files, just to show what
    "happened" when crashing.
    Example 1:
    <EXCEPTION> "Floating Point Divide by Zero";
    <STACK> 3dlICD:Unknown,sldrglu:createOglShadeObject,sldworks:Unknown,sldgfxu:gfxSgView_c::gfxSgView_c;

    Example 2:
    <CD>=4 34251 0
    <EXCEPTION> "Access Violation at 00000000 (virtual address 00000000),
    attempt to read from memory";
    <STACK> sldworks:Unknown,MFC42u:Ordinal6330;

    I am desperate for a fix. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
    john, Oct 20, 2003
  2. john

    neil Guest

    probably due to graphics card -what is your graphics driver? is it one
    approved by SW? try updating to latest
    neil, Oct 20, 2003
  3. john

    john Guest

    Sorry, I forgot to mention.
    I run the ver. 3.01-450 driver. I did try the 3.01-535 (the latest),
    but it has a "bug" (it did with me anyway) with the help file in SWX:
    the actual content of the Help dialog box would disappear. I reverted
    back to the 450.
    To me, it seems to be related to memory/graphics card or a conflict of
    some sort between the two?. Just before crashing, the pc sort of
    "hang" for a couple of seconds, and bang CTD.
    Again, I am desperate to find an answer, as it is really hard to work
    knowing that the SWX can crash at any time. Thanks.
    john, Oct 20, 2003
  4. john

    kellnerp Guest

    First of all there is a long list of troubleshooting information on

    Second, you can easily eliminate graphics related issues by running in
    OpenGL mode or rebooting in safe mode.

    When you quote the log file make sure to grab about a dozen lines before the
    exception as that will give some idea of what you were doing. Also quote
    the information part in the beginning of each session, but leave out your
    serial number.
    kellnerp, Oct 20, 2003
  5. I would swap out all your RAM for another brand. Borrow some, whatever.
    I tried using some Kingston a year or so back and had similar problems.
    Switched out to Micron (I think) and the problems went away.
    bill allemann, Oct 20, 2003
  6. john

    gtosan1 Guest

    My crashes where similar, but I'd get the old BSOD with a simialr access
    violation. But once I updated the mother board drivers (aka inf update
    or 3 in 1 update), it was fixed and have never experienced other crash.


    gtosan1, Oct 20, 2003
  7. john

    john Guest

    First of all, I appreciate the time you guys take to look at my issue.
    1/ I've gone through the documentation from swx re. "troubleshooting
    crash prone systems", but to no avail.
    BTW, the hard disk is partitioned into 3 (approx equal sizes). I have
    the swap file (2500Mb) currently on C: as well as all apps.
    The 2nd partition has a little bit of data, and the SWXtemp dir on the
    3rd partition.
    2/ The ram was swapped for a new one (2x 512 sticks) although they are
    still Kingston.
    3/ Following are again 2 examples of the log file as per kellnerp
    advice. The 1rst one was a short session...
    I have shortened the 2nd one.
    Again, thanks for the assistance.

    Example 1:
    <VERSION> 2
    <ADDIN> eDrawings2003:Enabled PhotoWorks release 2:Disabled SldTrans
    1.0:Disabled SldUg 1.0:Disabled SolidWorks 2D Emulator:Disabled
    SolidWorks 3D Meeting:Enabled SolidWorks DXF3D:Disabled SolidWorks
    SolidWorks HSF:Disabled SolidWorks Inventor:Disabled SolidWorks
    JPEG:Disabled SolidWorks MDT:Disabled SolidWorks MTS:Disabled
    SolidWorks Pro/E:Disabled SolidWorks SE:Disabled SolidWorks
    <GRAPHICS>3dlDD V4.01 X1280 Y1024 32 bits 75Hz
    <OR>:Wildcat VP870 - GL2
    <PN>:3DLabs Installable Client Driver
    <CN>:3Dlabs Inc. Ltd
    <FD>:OpenGL Installable Client Driver DLL
    <LC>:Copyright © 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd 1994-2000
    <LANGUAGE> english,english,3081
    <CD>=4 37619 0
    <CD>=4 33949 0
    <CD>=4 57601 0
    <CD>=4 57603 0
    <CD>=4 57602 0
    <CD>=4 33949 0
    <EXCEPTION> "Access Violation at 6aa722d6 (virtual address 0000144c),
    attempt to read from memory";
    <STACK> MSVBVM60:EbLibraryUnload,MSVBVM60:EbResetProject;

    Example 2:
    <CD>=4 57607 0
    <CD>=4 33055 0
    <CD>=4 57607 0
    <CD>=4 33826 0
    <CD>=4 33047 0
    <CD>=4 33640 0
    <CD>=4 34127 0
    <CD>=4 32805 0
    <CD>=4 57607 0
    <CD>=4 57602 0
    <CD>=4 33055 0
    <CD>=4 57607 0
    <CD>=4 33055 0
    <CD>=4 57607 0
    <CD>=4 57602 0
    <CD>=4 57602 0
    <CD>=4 57601 0
    <CD>=4 57601 0
    <CD>=4 57601 0
    <EXCEPTION> "Floating Point Divide by Zero";
    <STACK> 3dlICD:Unknown,sldrglu:createOglShadeObject;
    john, Oct 20, 2003
  8. john

    Michael Guest

    I see in your log file that you've got photoworks, among other add-ins,
    enabled. I'd suggest disabling them and seeing if it makes any difference.
    Michael, Oct 20, 2003
  9. john

    john Guest

    Thanks for the suggestion.
    I checked and Photoworks is actually disabled,
    but somehow 3D content central and 3D meeting were enabled. I've
    turned those off.
    I am currently stuck on a particular drw. Assembly 6mb, drw 8mb. I try
    to create another named view, click in the model, click back in the
    drw to locate the view on the sheet, the view is displayed on the
    screen for a split second and then bang SWX crashes, not even the
    standard message...
    Same crap at the end of the log file:
    <CD>=4 57601 0
    <CD>=4 33311 0
    <CD>=4 33311 0
    <CD>=4 57601 0
    <CD>=4 33874 0
    <CD>=4 33047 0
    <CD>=4 57651 0
    <CD>=4 32973 0
    <EXCEPTION> "Access Violation at 00000000 (virtual address 00000000),
    attempt to read from memory";
    <STACK> sldworks:Unknown,MFC42u:Ordinal6330;

    The same operation works fine on another (lower specs) machine.
    I am really stuffed here. I have to get the job done though and I am
    just about
    to loose the plot... and I mean it.
    john, Oct 21, 2003
  10. john

    matt Guest

    (john) wrote in

    This is going to seem counterintuitive, but try setting your swap file so
    the min and max are each 1000 Mb. Please post the results.

    (the guy who wrote the troubleshooting crash prone systems doc)
    matt, Oct 21, 2003
  11. john

    gtosan1 Guest

    I was getting the old 'blue screens of death' with a similar memory
    access violation message, a half a dozen times, the first day I
    installed sw2004.

    Then I updated the motherboard drivers, AKA inf update or 3in1 update,
    it's seperate update from the bios flash update. It's basically an os
    patch for your mother board.

    Haven't had a single crash since.

    gtosan1, Oct 21, 2003
  12. john

    john Guest

    After trying many suggestions, I finally returned the VP870 to where
    it came from (my VAR)!. I've installed a nVidia Quadro FX500 4 days
    ago, and haven't experienced a single crash... while performing
    similar tasks.
    I keep my (left) fingers crossed, and I am finally able to do my work
    now !
    My VAR was very supportive during this ordeal I must add.
    Thanks all for taking the time to answer my call.

    And on a lighter note, a quote from Rob Hirst (Midnight Oil
    Politicians and nappies have something in common.
    They should both be changed regularly.
    And for the same reason.
    john, Oct 30, 2003
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