Crashes and file corruption

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by pmwh, Dec 20, 2004.

  1. pmwh

    pmwh Guest

    Has anyone else noticed that after SWX does a CTD, and you open back up
    an assembly, that mates can go crazy? I noticed yesterday that mates
    were missing, suppressed, or changed. In talking with another designer
    who crashes more than I do, he is experiencing that same thing.

    While I can not duplicate or have had the opportunity to document
    exactly what changes occur after a CTD, I now realize that I do not
    trust SolidWorks.
    pmwh, Dec 20, 2004
  2. pmwh

    pmwh Guest

    Sorry - I mean CDT
    pmwh, Dec 20, 2004
  3. pmwh

    Sporkman Guest

    Did you by chance rename the assembly sometime in the period before you
    had a crash, but before you made corrections or changes to Mates in the
    assembly? The reason I ask is that earlier on (before SP0.1) I noted
    that in the Feature Trees of the components of the new (renamed)
    assembly the Mates still reflected the name of the assembly before it
    was renamed. That is, they would reflect the older assembly name UNTIL
    the assembly file has actually been closed down and reopened, and
    thereafter they would reflect the proper assembly name. Not what one
    would call a really a big deal, EXCEPT that seemingly if one DID NOT
    close down and reopen the assembly the Mates that you changed, corrected
    or added (and then Saved) wouldn't necessarily reappear properly if
    SolidWorks crashed thereafter. I had it happen several times, and
    someone else noted the same thing. Mates that I knew I corrected (and I
    Saved after I corrected them) reappeared as problems after the
    SolidWorks assembly is reopened after a crash. UNLESS I closed down the
    assembly file, then reopen it. If I did that and I had a crash, the
    Mates that were corrected remained correct. The other person reported
    that with SP0.1, the problem did not occur with him again, and I can't
    say I've actually tested it since going to SP0.1.

    So, if you have renamed the assembly and did not close it down and
    reopen it, you may be seeing the same problem we saw earlier. And if
    you are on SP0.1 then we need to know about it. That might mean the
    problem has not been yet resolved satisfactorily.

    Mark 'Sporky' Stapleton
    Watermark Design, LLC
    Sporkman, Dec 21, 2004
  4. pmwh

    pmwh Guest

    No. I am using SolidWorks 2004 SP4.1
    pmwh, Dec 22, 2004
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