crash to desktop

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by bob zee, Jul 15, 2003.

  1. bob zee

    bob zee Guest

    bob z. just had his first CTD in over a month! kickin booo-tay!!!
    this is good. bob z. crashed autocrap a lot more than this.
    this doesn't really bother good ol' bob z. to crash. bob z. saves a lot.
    probably saves too much. so, it's not really a big deal. (not being able
    to save or not being able to open is another issue altogether, but bob z.
    has seen neither in a while.)

    the last CTD was 6-7-03 (before that it was 6-5-03 and 6-3-03)

    this is just a post of elation. elation because of the lack of CTD's.
    bob z.
    p.s. dio has rocked for a long, long time. now it's time for him to pass
    the torch...

    "people with less brain power than you are doing more difficult things
    bob zee, Jul 15, 2003
  2. bob zee

    bob zee Guest

    sorry! bob z. shoulda put that info in there.
    swx 2003 sp3.0
    win2k sp 3.0
    dell precision 350
    p4 3.06ghz
    1gb ram

    unnecessary prog's running:
    outlook express
    lotus notes (has a newsreader built-in - couldn't get used to it)

    bob z.

    "people with less brain power than you are doing more difficult things
    bob zee, Jul 15, 2003
  3. bob zee

    matt Guest

    Hold it, this is the same Bob Z. that used to complain about 6 crashes
    per hour? The same Bob Z. that won't take sides? What has happened to
    change Bob Z.'s fortunes? Is Bob Z. using the SW Linux port? The open
    source version? Did Bob Z. start modeling just blocks and cylinders?
    Did he find the "AutoCTD" switch in the registry? How is it that Bob Z.
    has cause for elation while others are moaning in despair? Tell us, how
    did Bob Z. do it?

    Bob Z., thanks for saying so. I know it's an unpopular move to give
    people good news, but sometimes it has to be done.


    matt, Jul 15, 2003
  4. bob zee

    Jim Sculley Guest

    I managed to CTD SW2004 Beta2 in 15 minutes.

    Jim S.
    Jim Sculley, Jul 15, 2003
  5. bob zee

    bob zee Guest

    bob z. does mostly simple, prismatic parts. nothing beyond what can be made
    on a simple 2-axis mill or lathe. bob z. on the other does deal with a lot
    of imported parts. these parts can be pretty big and annoying. bob z. has
    been doing this type of work consisitently since he started on swx (swx
    2000, if you are interested - not as long as the 'masters') :~)>
    about the wildest thing that bob z. does is use a lot of configs. bob z.
    has to show a lot of things in different positions. (not that position.
    get your mind back up here! as Dice would say, "i'm over here now!")
    bob z. is beginning to wonder if the key to swx' robustness is how you hold
    your tongue when the Operating System is installed and then how the moon is
    pulling on your hard drive when swx is being installed. wait, maybe that is
    two keys. hmmm....
    bob zee, Jul 15, 2003
  6. It's funny that you posted this - I've been on a bit of a SW marathon lately
    (40 of the last 52 hours) without a hiccup, and was thinking about making a
    similar disclosure to the NG. The week before I did 70 hard hours with
    maybe one crash and no CTD. This, with doing all of the stuff that's
    generally pegged as causing problems - surfaces, in-context references, odd
    features, configurations, multi-bodies, super long trees with large memory
    drains, etc.

    SW 2003 SP 3.1 has been exceedingly stable, and boy do I appreciate it!
    Edward T Eaton, Jul 15, 2003
  7. bob zee

    Andrew Troup Guest

    Similar good news from here

    As long as I don't try to run dual monitors, and provided I quit everytime I
    start running low on my 512 MB of RAM (I just had to order 1 gig for my Dell
    M50 laptop and my eyes are still watering- obviously going to 2004 is simply
    not going to be an option, cause it won't take more than 1 gig) (In 2001+,
    512 was always more than plenty for the same type of models)
    I sometimes go as long as a week without a crash. This is new since going to

    I waver between feeling ridiculously grateful, and the realisation that I
    could be yielding to the same syndrome as a battered spouse, giving thanks
    for a whole week free of beatings.
    Andrew Troup, Jul 16, 2003
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