CQ: Relative accuracy and datum features

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Jeff Howard, Oct 27, 2006.

  1. Jeff Howard

    Jeff Howard Guest

    C(uriosity) Q(uestions):

    If I create a datum point far removed from model surface
    geometry is the effective tolerance for all subsequent
    features markedly increased? Creating the point will expand
    the (Info / Model Size) part bounding box. Is it this same
    bounding box that's used for tolerance calculations or
    another that's determined by (and not exposed to the user)
    surface geometry?

    Is there a way to, other than manual calcs, to determine
    the effective tolerance being used at any given time in the

    There is a 'geometry dependent factor' involved in
    effective tolerance calcs. I ~think~ (really don't remember)
    that ~.8 is a number I've come up with based on export
    resolution values. It seemed to be constant for simple
    prismatic parts or spline surf parts. Is there any known
    documentation available to explain the factor?

    And finally, regarding export tolerances; the effective
    accuracy applied to a feature depends on model parameters
    at the time of creation (if I understand the process
    correctly). When geometry is being processed for
    translation is the same 'at that time' tolerance applied or
    is the tolerance in effect at the model's final feature
    used? And, this is the value recorded in the translation?

    Trying to get a handle on some of the concepts.


    Jeff Howard, Oct 27, 2006
  2. Jeff Howard

    David Janes Guest

    I think, what you are talking about Jeff is part accuracy ~ ratio of
    smallest edge to part size (which must contain your imaginary datum point)
    which is, AT THIS PARTICULAR SCALE, a scaling factor for relative volumes
    (LxWxH). 'Info>Bounding box' will give you this info. But, withiout running
    this little routine, that doesn't seem to be available. Is this diagonal
    capturable in a parameter? I'm not sure. But, if you knew its relative size,
    you could scale a microbe into a galaxy, simply by its proportions and its
    scaling factor.
    I'm not sure, in Pro/e, what corresponds to 'effective tolerance being
    used'. Pro/e knows relative and absolute tolerances. Neither is easy to
    understand and neither, for the unitiated, has anything to do with precision
    or decimal places. Not directly, anyway. But, as to the automatic part, use
    an analysis feature; capture the model size info and smallest feature info
    in a relation. That will give you a realistic part accuracy.
    Never heard of 'effective tolerance' calcs. Or any such obscure 'factor'.
    Don't believe any such thing exists. Tolerance is a parameter that is not
    communicated externally through any export format that I'm aware of. Nor is
    precision or accuracy. Pro/e exports raw data with no decimal places
    stripped and no additional information included. A dimension is a real
    number in Pro/e, out to however many decimal places, no additions,
    subtractions or qualifications. It's just a raw number to 10 or 12 decimal
    David Janes, Oct 28, 2006
  3. Jeff Howard

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Thanks for taking a look, David.

    From TPI 32869
    (regarding relative accuracy, it is ...)
    Stated in equation form:
    A < F * s / d
    A = recommended relative accuracy
    F = a factor based on part geometry
    s = smallest distance which the system
    will consider entities to be separate
    d = diagonal of box whose sides are
    parallel to default coordinate system
    axes and which just encloses the part

    From an article "Relative versus absolute accuracy" by Oleg Los
    (E.E.R.N. article, I can't find a link to it again.):
    It is important to notice that Pro/ENGINEER determines
    this accuracy value for each step of a part's creation.
    As soon as a part's limits are changed (increased),
    Pro/ENGINEER calculates a new value for local accuracy
    and uses it from that point on for all geometry-related
    My term "effective accuracy" would be the local accuracy, expressed
    in units (equal to "s" accepting the generalization A = Fs/d).

    Model resolution (by some definition variant) is written to exports
    STEP (uncertainty_measure_with_unit)
    IGES (header field #19)
    SAT (header third line, second value)
    I assume it's also written to Parasolid and Granite neutrals.
    Jeff Howard, Oct 29, 2006
  4. Jeff Howard

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Well, I think I've answered the first question by conducting a simple test.
    It appears that the Info / Model Size bounding box is not the one used in
    relative accuracy calculations; e.g. a datum point off in space has no
    effect on accuracy (at least as stated in an export of that part).

    It does appear that another practice I've heard of does affect accuracy; so
    called "modeling in body position"; e.g. when geometry features are far removed
    from default datums. So don't model that cotter pin in the tail of a 737 "in
    postion" with a CS0 constrained to body origin. <g> Or frames or brackets
    or ...

    The problem can be demonstrated by trying to place small chamfers on a small
    cube created a large distance from default datums (1" cube, 500" offset,
    ..05 chamfer, default .0012 rel acc).

    Sorta makes me wonder what happens if I add features to a component of an
    imported assembly or .... never mind.

    (I don't typically use rel acc so these are just curiosity issues for me born of
    other discussions re accuracy, translations, etc. The body position thing
    should be of interest to those that follow the practice for whatever reason.
    For auto body dimensions it might not be a consideration, or it might if
    translating for use where .005" to .01" or so edge deviations mean the
    difference between a 'good' or 'bad' translation.)
    Jeff Howard, Oct 29, 2006
  5. Jeff Howard

    David Janes Guest

    I wonder if that changes depending on whether points/curves are exported or
    Do you have any experience with 'assembly accuracy'? Could the above be its
    application? Or does this apply to parts created in assembly and referencing
    other parts ('use edge', activated parts with axes created referencing holes
    in another part)
    That's an interesting experiment. I wonder why the 1" cube didn't fail! You
    must have offset it in only one direction. If you'd offset it in x and y, I
    think it just might, depending on what you use for the value of 'F'. If you
    used .8, the calculated accuracy would be .0011 so I wouldn't be surprised
    if even the sketch failed.
    Okay, but the idea of doing these experiments to find out, in a controlled
    way, how the accuracy business works is a very good and sound one. Here's
    another one that I've done: put a small hole in a sheetmetal part. I'm not
    sure if the position on the part matters but from what you said above, it
    could. Then, keep increasing the size of the sheet until the hole fails. In
    fact, the sheet may fail to 'thicken' because the thickness is so small in
    relation to the overall size that it can't be calculated at default
    accuracy. The other reason I can see for doing some experiments and getting
    a good handle on the accuracy business is that it's hardly ever obvious that
    an inadequate accuracy setting is behind some problem or outright failure.
    When you do a cutout or a merge that fails with some vague, obscure error
    message, you might not even guess that this could be attributed to accuracy
    settings or even the use of relative vs absolute accuracy. And you might not
    guess that accuracy was behind import errors except that when you change
    accuracy, the geometry heals by itself. Same with geom checks going away
    just because part accuracy was increased. Or, as you pointed out earlier,
    that the additive style of modelling is directly affected by accuracy
    because it is constantly recalculated as the model grows by adding features
    so that finally, small features, which were okay to begin with, will start
    failing but for NO APPARENT REASON. Makes you wonder why there's a formula
    but that Pro/e doesn't use it internally, quietly, behind the scenes,
    without a lot of fuss and mystery, to just reset accuracy to what it
    requires. It is its own accuracy function; why bother me with it!?!
    Especially when I'm missing information that's needed for the formula, i.e.,
    how am I supposed to find out what the smallest edge or distance or feature
    is? There's a 'model size' function; where's the 'smallest edge' function!
    Don't tell me it's been there all these years and I never knew it. But if
    Pro/e is, in fact, keeping a running inventory of feature/edge sizes, all
    the more reason for it to use this information internally to just take care
    of accuracy.
    I barely have a handle on how Pro/e handles calculations filtered through
    the accuracy visor. It's a complete mystery how other programs handle part
    size/feature size considerations, much less through the agency of neutral
    files which themselves get implemented differently between software
    publishers. And I'm still looking for one that translates parametric
    information from Pro/e to Solidworks to Catia.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Oct 29, 2006
  6. Jeff Howard

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Interesting observations and questions, David.
    Tried it, no difference.
    No, nothing beyond some mild pondering. I've assumed it plays the same role as
    part accuracy (intersection curves, trim edges, etc.) for assembly level
    features. I would not ~think~ it will affect or bias part level accuracy
    settings; i.e. if working a part within the context of an assembly you create a
    plane / surf intersection curve the accuracy of the curve will be governed by
    the part's accuracy setting.
    There's an interesting quirk. (I've never seen any of this documented but don't
    think I've ever seen anything contradictory.) Accuracy settings do not govern
    the accuracy of the chamfered cube's geometry. Analytic entities are created to
    floating point accuracy minus a few decimal places lost to rounding errors and
    noise. This means that a cylindrical hole in, and normal to, a plate is
    accurate in size and position to the degree floating point calculations allow
    even though part accuracy may be only .01 absolute or inferred by relative
    accuracy. If the hole is angled relative the planar face (? assuming the conic
    result is treated as a spline?) or punched thru a spline surfaced face then part
    accuracy settings govern the ~maximum~ edge deviation at the cyl face / spline
    face intersection. It's worth noting that deviations are typically an order of
    magnitude+ finer than accuracy settings dictate. Depends on the surfaces
    involved, how complex or simple, 'dirty' or 'clean', who knows what else.

    Back to the chamfered cube. The chamfer creation, using the previous
    parameters, fails because of an indirect effect of changing accuracy; shifting
    of a 'dynamic range'. The term comes from some ACIS documentation:

    Within object space, the model world is characterized
    by the magnitude of the numbers on the entities being
    modeled; e.g., the smallest and largest coordinates
    existing on the model and the smallest and largest
    difference between any two coordinates. All object
    space numbers are represented in ACIS as double
    precision floating point numbers which contain roughly
    14–16 significant digits. ACIS considers four of the
    least significant digits to represent numeric
    round-off errors that occur during calculations. Thus,
    there are roughly 10–12 digits to represent the
    dynamic range of numbers (smallest and largest numbers)
    within object space.

    It goes on to state that the dynamic range cannot be expanded but it can be
    shifted by changing the model resolution (changing the range lower bound).

    I've never seen the equivalent term in Pro/E but guess some equivalencies can be
    _ Attempting to create a .05 chamfer results in an
    "out of range" (0.0550 to 1,000,000) error.
    _ Change the default .0012 rel acc to .0001 rel acc.
    _ Want to see a failure, so try to create a .001 chamfer.
    _ Out of range (.0050 to 1,000,000)

    That pesky "factor"...
    Solving for "F" using the offset cube parameters and model resolution from
    export (.055, note the correlation to lower bound above):

    F = Ad/s = .0012 * 500 / .055 = 10.909

    Moved the cube back (500") to coincide with default datums and exported that.
    1.732E-4 is the stated export resolution.
    1.7621 bounding box.

    F = Ad/s = .0012 * 1.7621 / 1.732E-4 = 12.208

    I can only guess that the ".8" is totally mis-remembered. I also don't remember
    seeing that much deviation but I had it in my head that it was dependent on
    geometry types (analytic vs spline) and probably never varied model size

    Rambling on ...
    There is a Short Edge Model Analysis function that will find edges shorter than
    input value.
    Yes, it is complicated and often incomprehensible. It's interesting (in a
    masochistic sort of way) seeing how varying accuracy affects things like round
    transitions or other complicated geometry and imports.

    intf_in_external_accuracy uses neutral file resolution values.
    Jeff Howard, Oct 30, 2006
  7. Jeff Howard

    John Wade Guest

    Good and informative discussion gentlemen, I enjoyed reading it.
    John Wade, Oct 30, 2006
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