- CPC Customize Pro/ENGINEER Configurations

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by SABM, Apr 12, 2005.

  1. SABM

    SABM Guest

    - CPC Customize Pro/ENGINEER Configurations

    Software for configuring all PTC/Pro/ENGINEER variables and much more!

    CPC application is divided in two main parts of development!

    The 1st part is a set of folders that include CODI company, custom
    made configurations (macros, config.win, Standard configuration files,
    prototypes, NC Tools, ...) where target customer can adding his own
    prototype and configuration files,that can be shared or distributed in
    the entire company/organization!

    The 2nd part is a windows application for easy configuration of PTC
    Pro/ENGINEER (variables, selection of macros files,drawing,
    DATA-Exchange, ...).

    This application was developed using Microsoft .Net Platform and C#
    language, meets the most important developing quality standards (n
    tier develop, tests, ...).

    Our application work on Microsoft Windows 2003, XP, 2000, NT and if
    necessary also on Windows 98 and doesn't need any other special
    applications, like SQL Server, or any extra configurations).

    In this application we don't use any extra database technology; all
    the necessary information is stored in special encrypted XML files. We
    only use databases on developing stages, and in the end all is
    encrypted on XML files.

    For more information about our software pleasent send e-mail:

    Web site : www.codi.pt

    or CPC http://www.codi.pt/DotNetNuke/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabid=110
    SABM, Apr 12, 2005
  2. SABM

    njss Guest

    Hi to all of you!

    I'm already using this application here in London!
    It's a great application for configuring Pro/ENGINEER, i don't have to
    know anything about config.pro, .dtl, config.win ...

    It's very easy to find any Pro/E variable inside this app. (has a
    powerfull search function), and it has a nice tooltip button that
    explains all the details about each variable!

    The application automatically generates all configurations, creates
    config.pro file and copies that file to Startup directory of Pro/E.

    If you have many computers, you also may automatically distribute a
    configuration (config.pro, ...) to each machine through network!

    The client app. can be remotely installed in all computers from one
    single point (computer)!

    It's a wonderful application, for new Pro/E technicians that don't
    much about the "obscure" world of pro/E variables configuration :)
    It'also very useful in new Pro/E installations on end users machines!

    It's a very cheap application with great capabilities...
    njss, Apr 18, 2005
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