Does anyone have a good way to convert plt files to dwf files. I am currently using VB 6 & the scviewer.ocx that does the job but has limitations. The earlier version of the scviewer converts all plt files to 8.5x11 dwf no matter what the size of the plt. The updated version of the scviewer converts the plt files to the correct size dwf but names the sheet name inside the dwf to Sheet1. Can anyone help me out on this. My company has thousands of existing plt files that would like to convert into dwf so plotting to a dwf from AutoCAD will not do what I am looking for. I have also tried to use the 3rd Party apps AcroPlot, etc... and these are to combursome for the everyday user. I am looking for a simple way to convert. I am open to any ideas. Thanks in advance for your help.