Could Windows 2000 be causing the problem??

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by matasovsky, Feb 2, 2004.

  1. matasovsky

    matasovsky Guest

    I've got custom lisp routines that I've been trying to make work on our Windows 2000 computers (keep in mind I didn't write them and am a Lisp HACK). I've been told these routines used to work. A co-worker brought in a desktop and a laptop that both have the routines running properly. What I've noticed is the desktop runs on Win 95 and the laptop runs XP Pro. The XP took 3 second tweeking , at first, with support directories, but got it working fine it seems.

    Could the operating software be causing me a problem?? If so, how? Has anyone else experienced or know of a problem like this??
    matasovsky, Feb 2, 2004
  2. Doubtful it's the OS. Depends on whether the file is in Visual LISP using
    ActiveX and linking to outside DLLs or other programs like MS office.

    If you can, could you give us some more information about the versions of
    AutoCAD running on the machines? Could you post the AutoLISP file your
    having problems with?
    Phil Kenewell
    Gage Designer
    North American Lighting, Inc.
    Windows 2000 computers (keep in mind I didn't write them and am a Lisp
    HACK). I've been told these routines used to work. A co-worker brought in
    a desktop and a laptop that both have the routines running properly. What
    I've noticed is the desktop runs on Win 95 and the laptop runs XP Pro. The
    XP took 3 second tweeking , at first, with support directories, but got it
    working fine it seems.
    anyone else experienced or know of a problem like this??
    Phil Kenewell, Feb 2, 2004
  3. matasovsky

    ECCAD Guest

    Sorry for late response, I had to go to a customer's site.
    I see that Phil got you going - finally. Good job Phil. :)
    ECCAD, Feb 5, 2004
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