Cost/benefits upgrading to wildfire.

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by ed, Aug 30, 2003.

  1. ed

    ed Guest

    Hi all,

    lately at work the discussion has rised, if we should continue our
    maintanance contract any further... We pay tons on maintanance contracts to
    get a software update of 2001 and a helpdesk we never used in all those

    Wildfire does'nt prove to have the extra functionnality that would motivate
    Workstation upgrade.

    So if we wo'nt use wildfire for the first couple of years, why should we
    pay tons for the maintanace contract?

    Is'nt it much cheaper to drop the maintanace contract, and accuire new
    licences in a year or 3? meanwhile, the workstations have evolved, and
    wildfire will be tweaked and finetuned?

    did anyone else had this discussion at work? I know few of the customers of
    my previous employer did drop the contract. and will continue for a few
    years with 2001.

    comments please!

    thanks in advance,
    ed, Aug 30, 2003
  2. ed

    Boltman Guest

    if your maintenance fee is say 25% (which may be high) than you would have to
    wait 4 years just to break even if you were to buy new license. My guess is
    that you might be better off trying to discontinue maintenance for a year or so
    and than trying to renew them. The worst thing that can happen is that you pay
    the back support. With any smarts, my guess is that you can reduce that total
    to just the current years fees. If not, switch to solidworks or something else.

    so you say your not using your support ? why not, I've been using pro since
    release 11 and I'm always opening web calls for questions that I have. Web
    calls are the way to go. PTC usually calls back within an hour or two. If you
    need immediate assistance than call the help line and wait on speaker phone.
    Boltman, Aug 30, 2003
  3. ed

    D.Miller Guest

    We have been off maintenance for a couple years. We are currently on
    2000i2 and doing fine. We do have 2001 but have so far decided not to
    implement it. When we did have maintenance, it seemed that RAND solved
    very few of our problems.
    D.Miller, Aug 31, 2003
  4. ed

    mutrax Guest


    I still wonder why pay? How am I supposed to explain to my chief that
    we will pay thousands of euro's a year for a release an support we
    won't be using.
    Rand has'nt been that much of a help either.

    I've noticed that i still can manage the floating licence ( where the
    maintenance is discontinued for a couple of years.) via the ptc
    website to change the hardware adress for example. is this still
    possible if I discontinue them all?

    Thanks In advance ,
    mutrax, Sep 3, 2003
  5. ed

    CPham Guest


    PTC sends out
    If the software weren't that "buggy" they don't need that many patches
    Just my 2 cents!

    Chinh Pham
    CPham, Sep 5, 2003
  6. ed

    David Janes Guest

    : <snip>
    : >
    : If the software weren't that "buggy" they don't need that many patches
    : :"))
    : Just my 2 cents!
    : Chinh Pham

    You'll never get an argument from Pro/e users on that!!!! JM2C2! DJ
    David Janes, Sep 5, 2003
  7. Ed,

    Indeed within the company I work for we have a similar discussion. Although
    we do continue our maintenance contracts we do not see a direct need to
    upgrade to Wildfire immediately (currently running 2001).

    Although PTC claims an efficiency improvement of ±24% when modeling in
    Wildfire, we and others measure a system performance decrease of ± 10%. Also
    the stability of the software and investments in upgrade trainings and
    hardware are important factors that drive our decision. Can anyone share his
    view on this decision making process?

    Thanks in advance,
    Patrick Claus, Sep 8, 2003
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