COSMOSXpress Question

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Aron Bacs, Jr., Jan 26, 2005.

  1. Well here goes,

    Is there any way to change say the Deformation Scale?

    I am analyzing a small part and do not want the Deformation scale set to
    3432.46 (in my case). I know COSMOSXpress always chooses "what it thinks is
    best" but this is not the case with small parts. Say ones with diameters of
    a few mm or so with lengths of 10 mm or so. In my case I am modeling a
    swaged in fitting and want to see how the swaged area (volume) gets

    The particular problem that I am having is I cannot see what is happening to
    the model. The mesh and deformation scales are so far "out of whack" that
    the model explodes (for lack of a better word). i.e. The cylindrical inside
    pushes thru to the outside and then the outer cylinder becomes transparent!
    It looks like Doo Doo...

    I realize COSMOSXpress has limited capability, but it should have some
    adjustments to at least allow it to work... say an auto mode and a manual

    I will be adding another complaint.. sorry I mean "feature request" at
    SolidWorks World!

    By the way does this work prperly in COSMOSDesigner ??? i.e. setting scales,
    meshes, etc.

    Thanks in advance,

    Aron Bacs, Jr., Jan 26, 2005
  2. Thanks Keith,

    I have tried cranking up the mesh to as fine as it will go, but still the
    same problem. The deformation scale still is at 3432 or so, and the model
    still "explodes".

    Anyone using "" (or other products) from Plasso Tech? Cost vs.

    Aron Bacs, Jr., Jan 26, 2005
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