Cosmosxpress in SW2003 VS SW2004 Something Fishy

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Rocko, Nov 20, 2003.

  1. Rocko

    Rocko Guest

    Have you noticed they have made Cosmosxpress weaker in SW2004 than SW2003.
    In SW2003 you can create your own material and define it. SW2004 will not
    let you do that. What gives SW you should let us know when you weaken a tool
    just like when you tell us about making one better!
    Rocko, Nov 20, 2003
  2. Rocko

    kenneth b Guest

    i think this is now done in sw part
    kenneth b, Nov 20, 2003
  3. Rocko

    kellnerp Guest

    And only in metric.
    kellnerp, Nov 20, 2003
  4. Rocko

    MM Guest


    I don't know that they weakened it, they just made it a whole lot more
    complicated. Aparently, SW now uses the material assigned using the little
    widget under the annotations in the tree. You can't change the SW library,
    but you can create a custom one and use it.

    Also, as Paul said, all of the standard materials are in metric. Setting the
    document to inches doesn't seem to affect it. Why the F#%K would they want
    to make these metric, and unchangable ?? Isn't this an American program ? I
    work in the medical field and deal with metric allot, but I think and work
    in inches/pounds. Why the hell isn't it as easy to use either in Cosmos-E,
    as it is in SW. Major screwup IMO. Get a clue SW


    MM, Nov 21, 2003
  5. Rocko

    TTB Guest

    the mothership of SW is european. and all in intern are coded in metrics.
    others units are just a conversion. and less calculations is less bugs.
    why americans don't want to use metrics ? they already loose a mars explorer
    satelite cos they 're screwed up metrics and inches.
    joking :)

    TTB, Nov 21, 2003
  6. SW is from the start an american company. I have worked with a few,
    including UL, that are using metrics.

    The latter the switch to metric, the more painfull it will be. Our Brittons
    neighbours understood this more than 20 years ago.

    My .01 mm

    Jean Marc BRUN, Nov 21, 2003
  7. Rocko

    jjs Guest

    what is a pound?

    I know an inch is the length of King John's thumb joint and a gallon
    is the amount that King Etyhelred could urinate in the morning after
    a night drinking with his band of housecarls.

    The only good thing that Napoleon gave us was the mm which is of
    course a measurement of his private parts!! :)

    Joking aside - try the metric system - you might find you like it.

    in happy diversity - Regards

    Jonathan Stedman
    jjs, Nov 21, 2003
  8. Rocko

    Terry Robb Guest

    For those having to convert units, check out this freebee units Engineer's
    conversion calculator at the site below. It's the best I've seen yet. I will
    be upgrading from SW2001Plus to SW2004 in about a week. Looking forward to
    using the CosmosExpress to see reactions to applied loads and stress values
    on plastic extrusion shapes.
    Terry Robb, Nov 22, 2003
  9. Rocko

    JJ Guest


    CosmosExpress is fun but make sure you understand its limitations. I mention
    this because you said you are using plastics. The program is not accurate
    when you get into the nonlinear range which you may well do with plastics.

    JJ, Nov 23, 2003
  10. Rocko

    Smiley Guest

    I have significant doubts that the U.S. will ever really convert.
    Although a few industries have, I wonder if we have already reached

    That said, I really lament that SW was internally metric, instead of
    unitless. When I try to import a 1"x1"x1" cube in an IGES file into
    SW, it doesn't successfully import. Apparently the 1" dimensions were
    getting rounded at some point so that the sides were not parallel to
    each other.

    Inventor really frustrated me with its poor handling of Feet-Inch.
    It felt like watching a foreign film that has been dubbed into
    English. I now learn that SW has some similar problems... defining
    materials library must be done in metric, regardless of your settings
    for english units. But, if you set a custom density for a part, that
    is done in english units.

    As an aside, I think English units really are better anyway! The
    metric system seemed to be more politically modivated than adopted for
    pratical reasons.

    Joe Dunfee
    Smiley, Nov 25, 2003
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