Cosmosmotion tutorial valvecam

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Francis, Mar 31, 2008.

  1. Francis

    Francis Guest

    Dear all,

    I am trying to learn how to use of Cosmosmotion and I find a problem
    in tutorial3 valvecam.
    When I open the file tutorial3_valvecam_with_results.sldasm, the
    simulation is running well until the full simulation time of 0.03 sec.
    The simulation shows no interference. Just fine !
    The problem is that when I cancel the results and restart the
    simulation (without any change), it stops after 0.012 sec, and I can
    see that the camshaft material interfers with the rocker material.
    I really don't understand why. If somebody could do the same trial I
    would be interested in his results. Any idea welcome.
    Thanks in advance and best regards,

    Francis, Mar 31, 2008
  2. Francis

    Eddie Guest

    --->End Clip


    The problem may be that when trying to restart, you are in fact in an
    "interference" position. There is a checkbox for "Stop at
    interference", so this may be coming into play.
    Eddie, Mar 31, 2008
  3. Francis

    Francis Guest

    Thank you Eddie for your comment.
    I don't think that this maybe the reason because I restart from
    original position at time 0. During restart, from time 0 to 0.012, the
    motion is ok.
    I would rather suspect some problem in the contact between the
    camshaft and the rocker but I really don't understand why the
    simulation is going well first time and not after restart.
    If you have some time, I would appreciate your trial with this
    Francis, Apr 1, 2008
  4. Francis

    Francis Guest

    No Cosmos Motion user ?
    Any other forum for Cosmos Motion ?
    Thanks for advise,
    best regards
    Francis, Apr 2, 2008
  5. Francis

    wurz Guest

    You could try the Solidworks corporate forum at
    There is an Animation/COSMOS Motion group there.

    wurz, Apr 3, 2008
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