COSMOS/Works machine

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Jan 31, 2004.

  1. We are spec'ing new machines and we have one seat of COSMOS/Works. My
    thought on that machine is to build it the same as the others, with just as
    much video power, 2 meg memory, etc. The only thing I would consider would
    be dual processors. My reasoning is that the big drain for him is meshing,
    and while I don't think Cosmos takes advantage of multiple processors
    (actually I don't really know for sure) it would seem to make sense that he
    could have one processor working 100% or so on the meshing and then use the
    other one for whatever - ACAD, Word, email, etc.

    If my reasoning is solid, is anyone currently doing that? How do you tell
    the applications what to do, or does it "just happen" by itself?

    Thoughts? Comments?

    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 31, 2004
  2. Wayne Tiffany

    kellnerp Guest


    Save the expense of dual processors and go for the fastest possible CPU.
    Regarding using Word while meshing, etc. simply go into the task manager
    and set the priority of the SW task to low. You will hardly know that SW is
    using 100% cpu that way.

    Only photoworks uses the dual setup.

    If you are running models this big consider going to Designstar. You will
    give up nothing and have SW available while meshing and solving.

    PS. I think you meant 2Gig of memory.
    kellnerp, Jan 31, 2004
  3. Wayne Tiffany

    Mr. Pickles Guest


    I was going to ask about your "2 meg memory" fo-pa. If that was all you
    needed or wanted, I think I got an old 8088 with some that you can have. It
    would be free to a nice guy like yourself.....

    Mr. Pickles

    P.S.: Ya, I know I have a crooked nose, a distinctive voice, and Chia pet
    Mr. Pickles, Jan 31, 2004
  4. Dang, I hope Dale doesn't read this one - I poked him for his goof
    yesterday. I guess 2 meg is just remembering the good old days. :)

    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 31, 2004
  5. Hey, you missed your chance - too late now.....

    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 31, 2004
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