Cosmos Works 6.0 and assemblies with fasteners?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Olly183, May 11, 2004.

  1. Olly183

    Olly183 Guest

    I have got my hands on a Cosmos/works for a short time and I would
    like to explore it. I havn't tried looking at the more complex setup
    options but so far it has appeared straight forward! Now this is my
    first use of this type of software so I have a few basic questions?

    When dealing with Assemblies what is the best way to deal with
    Fasteners? mainly from the SW Toolbox + a couple of home made

    From the toolbax it is possible to get the fastener with threads, but
    then how do you define the contact? I am assumeing I should be using
    fasteners from the toolbox without threads, ie Simple or cosmetic as
    opposed to schematic?

    On the other side with hole wizard, how should i be defining the taps?
    again there are the options of 'cosmetic threads' and 'call outs' and
    these options produce different sized holes for the same tap!

    Again if I use a the helicoil insert from hole wizard the resulting
    hole is larger than the fastener?

    Thanks in advance

    Olly183, May 11, 2004
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