I'm still a newbie at this Cosmos stuff, so I hope my questions aren't too lame... Is it possible to transfer the mesh from one study to the next, within the same assembly? How do you find the resultant forces at the fixed base of a structure? Is there a way to click on different vertices of a model to fine local node displacement, or is it even possible to setup the colour scale to represent a given displacement i.e., .010" displacement is always red regardless of the overall displacement. I'm curious if I am the only one that finds the pictorial representations a bit clumsy in Cosmos. Even my old dated Algor had circular arrows that shows direction of moments. I tried using remote loads, but there is absolutely no feedback that shows where the load is in space. All it would take is a - instead of a + inputing coordinates and your numbers are out to lunch. I've resorted to modeling rigid members instead. I guess my questions turned into a rant... sorry about that.