Cosmos Materials

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by MM, Jan 2, 2007.

  1. MM

    MM Guest

    OK, I did my Google search, and couldn't find the answer (for you folks who
    like to respond "do a google search").

    The question has to do with adding custom materials for Cosmos Express. I've
    created a copy of the SW materials with a different name.

    Upon looking at some of the materials already there, I noticed that some
    have a combination of metric and imperial values. Upon reading the scanty
    (and very well hidden) information on the subject, it seems you can use any
    system you want as long as the syntax is right. Cosmos will convert the
    imperial values to metric prior to solving. Is this true ???


    MM, Jan 2, 2007
  2. MM

    rstupplebeen Guest

    Yes Cosmos converts the inputs. Unlike most finite element programs
    (Abaqus, Nastran, Dytran, Marc..) Cosmos does understand units and
    converts accordingly.
    Rob Stupplebeen
    rstupplebeen, Jan 3, 2007
  3. MM

    MM Guest


    Thanks bud.


    MM, Jan 3, 2007
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