Cosmos FloWorks help please!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Ezra Behnn, Jul 1, 2004.

  1. Ezra Behnn

    Ezra Behnn Guest

    I have done an external flow analysis through COSMOSFloWorks on a
    faring and want to export the pressures to COSMOSWorks to do an
    analysis on the structure with the applied pressures. One small
    problem I cannot seem to find out how to do this?

    In the help document it says

    'Exporting Results to COSMOSWorks

    You can export results from COSMOSFloWorks to COSMOSWorks.

    To export results to COSMOSWorks:

    Click FloWorks, Tools, Export Results to COSMOSWorks. FloWorks will
    traverse over all model surfaces and make the fluid parameters
    available for COSMOSWORKS.
    NOTE: In fact, while exporting, COSMOSFloWorks simply marks surfaces
    that will be used by COSMOSWorks for importing fluid results. Thus,
    you can perform this operation before the calculation but make sure
    that all surface (boundary conditions, fans, sources, etc.) and
    component related conditions (component control settings, initial
    conditions, etc.) do not change the reference surface after the
    exporting was done (e.g. you can change the value of the boundary
    condition but not the surface where it is applied).'

    Well this is dandy, but on my COSMOSFloWorks tools menu there is no
    'Export Results to COSMOSWorks' option on the menu. Am I missing
    something here?

    Detials that might be needed in the solution…
    Yes I do have COSMOSWorks on my computer, this is on a PART structure
    not an assembly, and it is a solid model not a surface.

    Ezra Behnn, Jul 1, 2004
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