Cosmos & Coat Hangers

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by post, Apr 12, 2007.

  1. post

    post Guest

    Greets all. Am looking for a few pointers to get a CosmosWorks(2004)
    analysis working. This is purely a learning exercise for me and any
    tips would
    be greatly appreciated -- hope I'm asking this in the right place.

    I've modeled a (plastic) coat hanger -- looks like a number "2" in
    I've added it to an assembly with a cylindrical "stub" to represent
    the piece of
    tubing that its hanging on. The inside "hook" of the hanger is mated
    to the cylindrical face of the pipe. The assembly dynamics work
    correctly in
    that i can "pull" the hanger around the pipe and it maintains tangency
    on the
    inside without "falling off" (there is a coincident mate with a plane
    of the pipe).

    In short, two-piece assembly (coat hanger + pipe stub). Pipe stub is
    Hanger is completely mated and floating.

    In CosmosWorks, the pipe stub is Fixed. There is a 1kg load on
    the hanger -- top face of the "lower leg" -- where a pair of pants,
    say, would
    contact the surface once hung.

    I'm having trouble mating the contact surfaces. (I think)

    During simulation the hanger rotates around the pipe and the analysis

    Setting a Fixed restraint on the small circular face that is the "tip"
    of the hook
    solves the problem but results in an unacceptable analysis. (Ie, real
    hangers aren't
    fixed there, and i see no stresses at the contact point.. only in the
    throat of the
    hook). I expect to see the hook to stretch and the bottom leg to

    Sorry so long-winded. My question boils down to: how would you set
    analysis up?
    Again, any pointers would be greatly appreciated.


    ps. LargeDeformation Contact is checked and am using FFEPlus solver
    post, Apr 12, 2007
  2. post

    Jean Marc Guest

    "post" <> a écrit dans le message de ...

    Are you sure your 10 N force is vertical and not perpendicular to the bar or
    the "2"?
    This last case would make it rotate.
    Jean Marc, Apr 12, 2007
  3. post

    Jean Marc Guest

    Meant the bar OF the "2"
    Jean Marc, Apr 12, 2007
  4. post

    Johns Yard Guest

    Try fixing the long part and apply the force to the hook.
    Johns Yard, Apr 12, 2007
  5. post

    post Guest

    wow.. why is my post laid out so ugly? (sorry)

    Jean Marc, yes, the force is vertical down (-Z). The load is fine..
    its my restraints (or lack
    thereof) -- that i'm unsure about.

    The center of gravity of the coat hanger is slightly off to one side..
    I would expect a slight rotation of
    ~5degrees of so -- but not this much (~30deg off vertical). Again, i
    fear that its either
    1. a misapplication of a Contact Surface, or,
    2. a missing restraint.
    post, Apr 12, 2007
  6. post

    post Guest

    no dice.. but I appreciate the help.
    my hanger goes right through the bar... or the solver fails.
    maybe i'll take a few steps back and try an easier example.

    Thanks again,
    post, Apr 13, 2007
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