cosmos-2004 pressure fail.

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by ked, Feb 5, 2005.

  1. ked

    ked Guest

    During a valve body hydrotest simulation in cosmosworks 2004 . I am
    getting " pressure <xxxxx> transfer failed " three times when run
    command is given and then the solver proceeds further without any
    problem and completes the analysis. what may be the problem? Pl help.

    ked, Feb 5, 2005
  2. ked

    P. Guest

    Did you check your reactions after the run to make sure all the loads
    were on the structure?

    Are there any edges or vertices listed with pressure on them?

    By suppressing pressure loads one by one can you isolate which face(s)
    is/are causing the problem?

    Are there any moment loads or mixed loads on any faces?
    P., Feb 5, 2005
  3. ked

    ked Guest

    Thanks for the direction given to solve the problem.
    ked, Feb 12, 2005
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