cosmetic threads

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by cadout, Mar 16, 2007.

  1. cadout

    cadout Guest

    Other than showing that threading is there, what is the purpose of
    cosmetic threads? Is it just what you can use to represent threads
    without actually creating them? I'm attempting to create screws and am
    wondering what the pros and cons are between cosmetic threads and
    creating actual threads in my design.
    cadout, Mar 16, 2007
  2. cadout

    Zander Guest

    Not sure about others, but using cosmetic threads mean that the hole
    in the model is the tap drill size and not the major thread diameter.
    Which is usefull for things being laser/water cut cnc machined.
    Basically the cosmetic thread will show up in your drawing and hole
    notes for documentation but not in your 3d export data.

    Zander, Mar 16, 2007
  3. cadout

    Martin Rees Guest

    The down side is that the cosmetic thread does not in some cases give a
    completely accurate measure of mass an c of g, due to the cut away metrial
    of an internal thread remaining present on the model

    Martin Rees
    Martin Rees, Mar 16, 2007

  4. Actual threads are resource hogs. They are a bit of a pain to build and they
    require a fair amount of time to rebuild. It's not a problem when there are
    only one or two, but it can become a real drag when you have a lot of them.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Mar 16, 2007
  5. cadout

    Jack Guest

    I use cosmetic threads only for their contribution to drawing views. Be
    careful though...a while back I wasn't paying attention to the options
    and had the "remove thread" option button selected. We had the parts
    made with SLA and what do you know - the holes for #6 screws came out
    ..138 dia. instead of .107 dia. - just the way I told it to tell it to do
    Jack, Mar 18, 2007
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