cosmetic thread on toolbox created bolt

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by bill allemann, Mar 10, 2006.

  1. I can't seem to get a cosmetic thread to appear in a drawing view.
    The component is a screw created by Toolbox and the cosmetic
    thread shows in the FM, but not on the view. Insert model items
    procedure does nothing. Is there some trick to this now or is
    this the oh-so-common new version snafu?

    thanks, bill
    bill allemann, Mar 10, 2006
  2. bill allemann

    j Guest

    Is this bolt in an assembled drawing view or a detail view. If it is in
    the assembled view, then you have to use INSERT MODEL ITEMS and choose
    the COSMETIC THREAD icon.
    j, Mar 10, 2006
  3. did the insert model items thing with no result.
    I finally got it to appear by adding my own cosm thr to
    the part file. then the original thread made by toolbox
    also appeared.
    bill allemann, Mar 11, 2006
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