Cosmetic display

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by dakeb, Dec 15, 2003.

  1. dakeb

    dakeb Guest

    How do I show Cosmetic features in a view again after they have been erased?
    The cosmetic button is greyed out. Rel. 2001.
    dakeb, Dec 15, 2003
  2. dakeb

    dakeb Guest

    You have to go to the Preview Tab and un-select the "with Preview" tick.

    You can then reselect cosmetics.

    Has this bug been fixed in WF?
    dakeb, Dec 15, 2003
  3. dakeb

    Alex Sh. Guest

    No, it is exactly the same in WF. PTC's explanation is that 'this behavior
    is by design': since cosmetic features can't be previewed, their button is
    greyed out until you deselect the 'With Preview' checkbox. So as far as PTC
    is concerned, it is not a bug at all. What it certainly is, is a failure to
    apply good GUI design practices. Properly designed 'Show/Erase' dialog box
    would have allowed the user to select the 'Cosmetic Features' button and
    would have automatically overridden the 'With Preview' checkbox while the
    user is working on cosmetic features. But I guess nobody at PTC wanted to
    spend extra 15 minutes to code that in...
    Alex Sh., Dec 16, 2003
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