Cosimulation with Matlab

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Debjit, Mar 10, 2010.

  1. Debjit

    Debjit Guest

    Dear All,

    I am trying to Cosimulate Matlab and Cadence. That is my idea is to
    simulate the circuit in Cadence using Spectre or AMS and to feed the
    data to Matlab for deep analysis. For that I setup the SimulinkCoupler
    and the Fixed-Cell coupler. But whenever I am trying to simulate from
    AMS, (either in Parallel Matlab and AMS or Cosimulating Matlab and
    AMS) I am getting two errors:

    1. LD_ASSUME_KERNEL variable set which may cause unstable simulation.
    2. couple module 'tb_ieee_802_11a_demo.I10': *E,INITCF: ERROR
    (SIMLNK-66): [Internal] The connection to host 'localhost' and port
    5023 failed
    Debjit, Mar 10, 2010
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