Corrupted Reducer file in Routing Package - anyone have a spare I can use?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by lmar, Oct 4, 2005.

  1. lmar

    lmar Guest


    I was experimenting with the routing package and PDM integration when
    routing came crashing down apon my ears.

    SW was able to recover the files (at least it said so) upon reboot.

    Next time I went to drag and drop the standard pipe reducer - it goes
    in backwards. Went to recover my backup - but it has the same problem.
    Guess recovery wasn't so wonderful after all.

    Could someone please send me a copy of the reducer.sldprt file (2005).
    I've got a SW2006 version but I want to keep playing in the 2005

    Is it me or does routing have a tendency to crash a fair amount?

    Anyone else they had a little more control in automatically generating
    routing assembly names?

    lmar, Oct 4, 2005
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