Correspondence between schematic and layout in Virtuoso

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Voom, Mar 18, 2010.

  1. Voom

    Voom Guest

    I have Virtuoso schematics, and corresponding layout views that were
    created elsewhere. Next, I want to do schematic driven layout.

    My main concern is making Virtuoso understand the correspondence
    between the schematic designs.

    When only the view names differ, the correspondence is
    straightforward. For example, schematic libName/inv/schematic clearly
    corresponds to layout libName/inv/layout.

    Now, how do I establish the correspondence when there are two
    different topologies for a single schematic? For example, for some
    instances of libName/inv/schematic, the layout designer uses a tall,
    narrow libName/inv_t/layout, and in other cases, uses a short, wide
    libName/inv_w/layout. Of course both layouts contain identical
    circuitry--they are just a different shape.

    How do I tell Virtuoso that one instance of libName/inv/schematic has
    layout libName/inv_t/layout, and another instance of libName/inv/
    schematic has layout libName/inv_w/layout?

    John McGehee
    Voom, Inc.
    Voom, Mar 18, 2010
  2. For 6.1.X Look at the chapter "Configuring the Physical Hierarchy" in
    Jean-Marc Bourguet, Mar 19, 2010
  3. Voom

    Tim Guest

    Hi John,

    If you change the instanceName of the layout cells to match the
    schematic but add a "|" pipe to the beginning the cells will match up
    to the schematic. EX: schematic = M1 change layout to |M1

    For connectivity to work the layout cell pin names must match the pin
    names of the schematic symbols.

    After doing this close the cell then reopen it in VXL and they should
    now match.

    Tim, Mar 24, 2010
  4. Tim wrote, on 03/24/10 14:12:
    Note however that if you're using IC61 (especially IC614), there's no need to
    have the instance names matching. The binder in IC61 is net-based rather than
    instance-based. IC614 has an "incremental" binder which is very good at handling
    chunks of things that have been done outside of the normal VLS XL flow, and is
    good at supporting copy and create instance within VLS XL, as well as edits done
    in VLS L - without needing to do messing around with setting device correspondence.


    Andrew Beckett, Mar 24, 2010
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