Corner Notch?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Craig, Jan 5, 2005.

  1. Craig

    Craig Guest

    Just wondering if it possible to achieve this with lisp?
    I would like to set the distance 'x' and pick the lines similar to setting
    the radius and pick the lines for a fillet.
    Craig, Jan 5, 2005
  2. Interesting possibility.... It wouldn't be too difficult if it's always
    something like what you show (some calculating X and Y coordinates by
    addition and subtraction for some new points, two Change commands on the
    original lines [or maybe just one with Ortho on], two new Lines). But if
    you want it to cover various other possibilities, it could get much more
    complicated, for example:

    1) If the lines might be non-orthogonal, there'd probably need to be some
    UCS involved.
    2) If the lines might extend considerably beyond the notch location, Change
    might move the wrong ends, so it would probably need (entmod)/(entupd) or
    3) If it might be used on polylines, it's more complicated to find the
    right location to work around.
    4) If the lines (or pline segments) might not be perpendicular to each
    other, it would involve more elaborate calculations, and it would be
    necessary to decide whether X should be a perpendicular dimension or a
    distance along the affected lines.
    5) If it might need to be asymmetrical (as Chamfer can be), it would
    involve more variables in the calculations, and it would matter in what
    order the lines were selected.
    6) If it might need to work with arcs (circular or elliptical), I don't
    even want to think about it.

    But a possible approach occurs to me, not involving DRAWING the notch Lines,
    that might overcome some of those problems, assuming the originals are

    a. Select the two lines and save both the pick points and the entities.
    b. Fillet them to zero radius using the pick points (gets around item 2
    above if they're selected at points in the parts to remain).
    c. Use (inters) to find their (possibly apparent) intersection point and
    save it, and compare their code 10 and 11 values to determine which end is
    there and which end is the one away from the notch; save those opposite end
    d. Offset each of them by X, using the pick point for the other line for
    the in-which-direction prompt (gets around item 4 above, if X is a
    perpendicular dimension). Or copy each of them using (polar) in the
    direction that the other line goes (to get around item 4 if X is a distance
    along the lines).
    e. Calculate some new Fillet pick points using (polar) from the (inters)
    point with directions toward the opposite ends, and distance something
    larger than X for the pick points on the original lines. How to calculate
    the pick points on the offset/copied lines depends on how you did item d.
    above, and would likely be a two-stage (polar) operation probably using one
    distance smaller than X along the original lines, and then another (polar)
    from there, parallel to the original lines, with distance X in the Copy
    variety, or a distance calculated from X and the relative angles in the
    Offset variety.
    f. Do three Fillet commands at zero radius (gets around the need to
    calculate points for drawing Lines, so eliminates item 1 above).

    The Offset (or Copy) and Fillet approach also eliminates the need for any
    Layer controls (at least assuming the two original lines are on the same

    And it wouldn't be too severely more complicated to make an asymmetrical
    notch (X and Y values) this way.

    Just a start....
    Kent Cooper, AIA, Jan 5, 2005
  3. Craig

    Dann Guest

    The following should work IF the 2 entities to add the notch to are both
    lines and is as simple as
    your example Drawing suggests.....See Kent Coopers response.
    Also you may want to add some error checking.....This is a start.

    (defun C:cnotch (/ mspc xdim pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 pt5 ang
    ang3 ang4 int co1 co2 nlin1 nlin2 nco1 nco2
    (command "undo" "mark")
    (setq mspc (vla-get-ModelSpace
    (vlax-get-object "Autocad.application")
    (setq xdim (getreal "Enter Dimension For X: "))
    (setq co1 (objsel "Select First Line: "))
    (setq co2 (objsel "Select Second Line: "))
    (if (and (= (vla-get-ObjectName co1) "AcDbLine")
    (= (vla-get-ObjectName co2) "AcDbLine")
    (setq int (vlax-invoke co1 'IntersectWith co2 acExtendBoth))
    (reline co1 int xdim)
    (setq pt3 pt1)
    (setq ang3 ang)
    (vlax-invoke co1 'Erase)
    (setq nco1
    (vla-AddLine mspc (vlax-3d-point pt1) (vlax-3d-point pt2))
    (reline co2 int xdim)
    (setq pt4 pt1)
    (setq ang4 ang)
    (vlax-invoke co2 'Erase)
    (setq nco2
    (vla-AddLine mspc (vlax-3d-point pt1) (vlax-3d-point pt2))
    (setq pt5 (polar pt4 ang3 xdim))
    (setq nlin1
    (vla-AddLine mspc (vlax-3d-point pt4) (vlax-3d-point pt5))
    (setq nlin2
    (vla-AddLine mspc (vlax-3d-point pt3) (vlax-3d-point pt5))
    (princ "Object Must Be A Line: ")
    (defun reline (lin int xdim / stpt endpt)
    (setq stpt (vlax-get lin 'StartPoint))
    (setq endpt (vlax-get lin 'EndPoint))
    (if (> (distance int stpt) (distance int endpt))
    (setq ang (angle endpt stpt))
    (setq pt1 (polar int ang xdim))
    (setq pt2 stpt)
    (setq ang (angle stpt endpt))
    (setq pt1 (polar int ang xdim))
    (setq pt2 endpt)
    ;The following gets and returns a selected object in activex format

    (defun objsel ($prompt / ent obj) ;usage = (setq obj(objsel "Select Object:
    (setq ent (car (entsel $prompt)))
    (if (/= ent nil)
    (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object ent))
    (princ "No Object Selected")
    obj ;returns result for use in calling program
    Dann, Jan 5, 2005
  4. Craig

    David Kozina Guest

    One idea:

    Create a unit square wipeout, with bottom left corner at origin, then extend
    the TOP and RIGHT sides, say, 1/16th unit or 1/32nd unit more. (So it's
    really 1.0625 units square.) Put it on layer 0, but give it a PlotStyle or
    Color that will be Invisible when plotted.
    Then draw a HEAVYWEIGHTPOLYLINE (not a LWPOLY) from (0,1,0) to (0,0,0) to
    (1,0,0). (IOW on the left and bottom sides. Note that the pline IS one
    unit exactly.) Layer 0, Color ByBlock, LType ByBlock, LWeight ByBlock,
    PlotStyle ByBlock. Create a block from that geometry, insertion point at

    Insert and Scale to suit.

    Cake. Wish I'd thought of it. :)

    Best regards,
    David Kozina
    David Kozina, Jan 5, 2005
  5. Craig

    David Kozina Guest

    oops, see below...

    ^ or 1.03125 units square, of course
    David Kozina, Jan 5, 2005
  6. Craig

    David Kozina Guest

    Note that variations of that method could work for re-sizable Fillets and
    Chamfers, too, btw.

    David Kozina
    David Kozina, Jan 5, 2005
  7. Craig

    David Kozina Guest


    After thinking a bit more about what I wrote below, I realized (*doh!*) that
    the Insertion Point would be more optimally located at 1,1,0, rather than
    the origin. (Or, move all the described geometry one unit down and one unit
    to the left, and keep the block insertion point at 0,0,0). This would allow
    you to insert the "notch block" at the original corner itself, and later
    allow the notch to be easily re-scaled without having to move it again.
    Hope this makes sense to you.

    Best regards,
    David Kozina
    David Kozina, Jan 6, 2005
  8. The wipeout approach is kind of interesting as an outside-the-box idea, but
    I see several practical problems with it:

    1) Unless the notch is always in an upper right corner, you have to put the
    thing in with rotation. But unless the original lines extend beyond the
    corner (unlike the original illustration), there's nothing to osnap to for
    the rotation, so if it isn't some easy angle (like an orthogonal or
    polar-increment one), you'd have to put it in first, and then rotate it. It
    might be better to set it up with the geometry rotated 180 degrees around
    its insertion point, so the insert rotation angle can go along one of the
    lines, and you'd have something to osnap to.
    2) It wouldn't work if you ever need to notch a non-right-angle corner
    (unless AutoCAD comes up with a skew angle for block insertions, or
    something -- has that appeared in A2005?).
    3) If the original lines extend beyond the corner to be notched, the
    wipeout won't take care of those extended parts, so the operation wouldn't
    really be analogous to filleting.
    4) You couldn't dimension the edges that are affected by the notch with
    return-to-select picking, because that would give you the dimension to the
    apparent-intersection corner (or worse, if the lines extend beyond). Even
    doing that for the overall dimension (if the lines don't extend beyond), the
    dimension's extension line at the notched corner wouldn't go in to the right
    place, and even if you did it explicitly to the right location, I expect
    part of the extension line would be wiped out. I haven't tried Qdim on this
    kind of thing, but I wonder whether it would handle it the way you'd want it
    5) Admittedly nothing suggested so far would deal with notching a polyline
    corner, but I could easily see doing it with lines and then converting the
    outline into a polyline for a direct area or perimeter reading (for a
    building footprint, or site boundary, or machine part, or whatever). That
    wouldn't work with the wipeout-variety notch. Similarly, if you want to
    convert the outline into, say, a region for a center-of-gravity calculation,
    or extrude it into a 3D solid.
    6) You couldn't offset the notch edges (such as in a building plan, where
    the notched outline might represent the building perimeter, and you might
    offset that to show a footing below, or the inside face of the walls). Nor
    could you copy them, nor use stretch to change the proportions of the notch,
    nor probably a bunch of other things.
    7) The wipeout could hide things you really want to see, in addition to the
    ends of those lines (such as an underground utility line skirting the corner
    of a building, or hidden lines representing a roof above that extends out to
    the virtual corner, or the tree that you plant in the notch).

    But I do appreciate thinking up the less-obvious ways of doing things,
    because sometimes that really does result in a better solution to something.
    Kent Cooper, AIA, Jan 6, 2005
  9. Craig

    Craig Guest

    thanks for the responses everyone
    it gives me some things to think about
    Craig, Jan 6, 2005
  10. Craig

    Craig Guest


    ive tried this and it works great, how would i get it to repeat using the
    same dimension until i quit the command
    generally i would want to use it on all 4 corners with the same dimension
    thanks for the help so far

    Craig, Jan 11, 2005
  11. Craig

    Dann Guest

    (defun C:cnotch (/ mspc xdim pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 pt5 ang
    ang3 ang4 int co1 co2 nlin1 nlin2 nco1 nco2 default)
    (command "undo" "mark")
    (setq mspc (vla-get-ModelSpace
    (vlax-get-object "Autocad.application")
    (if (= default nil)
    (setq default 0.250)
    (setq co1 1)
    (while (/= co1 nil)
    (setq xdim (getreal
    (strcat "Enter Dimension For X <"
    (rtos default)
    ">: "
    (if (= xdim nil)
    (setq xdim default)
    (setq default xdim)
    (setq co1 (objsel "Select First Line: "))
    (if (/= co1 nil)
    (setq co2 (objsel "Select Second Line: "))
    (if (/= co2 nil)
    (if (and (= (vla-get-ObjectName co1) "AcDbLine")
    (= (vla-get-ObjectName co2) "AcDbLine")
    int (vlax-invoke
    (reline co1 int xdim)
    (setq pt3 pt1)
    (setq ang3 ang)
    (vlax-invoke co1 'Erase)
    (setq nco1
    (vlax-3d-point pt1)
    (vlax-3d-point pt2)
    (reline co2 int xdim)
    (setq pt4 pt1)
    (setq ang4 ang)
    (vlax-invoke co2 'Erase)
    (setq nco2
    (vlax-3d-point pt1)
    (vlax-3d-point pt2)
    (setq pt5 (polar pt4 ang3 xdim))
    (setq nlin1
    (vlax-3d-point pt4)
    (vlax-3d-point pt5)
    (setq nlin2
    (vlax-3d-point pt3)
    (vlax-3d-point pt5)
    (princ "***Object Must Be A Line***")
    (defun reline (lin int xdim / stpt endpt)
    (setq stpt (vlax-get lin 'StartPoint))
    (setq endpt (vlax-get lin 'EndPoint))
    (if (> (distance int stpt) (distance int endpt))
    (setq ang (angle endpt stpt))
    (setq pt1 (polar int ang xdim))
    (setq pt2 stpt)
    (setq ang (angle stpt endpt))
    (setq pt1 (polar int ang xdim))
    (setq pt2 endpt)
    (defun objsel ($prompt / ent obj) ;usage = (setq obj(objsel "Select Object:
    (setq ent (car (entsel $prompt)))
    (if (/= ent nil)
    (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object ent))
    (princ "No Object Selected")
    obj ;returns result for use in calling program
    Dann, Jan 11, 2005
  12. Craig

    Craig Guest

    I can't thank you enough Dann
    this has made my life so much easier

    Craig, Jan 11, 2005
  13. Craig

    Dann Guest

    Your welcome. ;)

    Dann, Jan 12, 2005
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