
Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Chris, Feb 29, 2008.

  1. Chris

    Chris Guest

    I'm trying to model a corkscrew but am having some trouble. I can get
    the main part of it with a helix sweep but that's about it (and it's
    not much). I need to extend one end of screw into a straight piece
    (somehow add a profile onto the helix). I'm thinking a 3d sketch for
    that but not really sure the correct way.

    The other portion I'm having problems with is the end that should
    taper to a point (the part that pierces a cork). Here my thinking is
    to extend the helix some more and create a small circle on one end and
    use the end of the screw on the other end and loft together with the
    new helix as a guide curve.

    I've looked on 3d content to find something similar but can't. I've
    found a few around the web but all are in eDrawings and I can't see
    the features used to build.

    Anyone modeled one before that I could take a look at the feature
    steps, or describe it.

    Chris, Feb 29, 2008
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