Copying Document Properties/Templates

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Josh, Oct 12, 2006.

  1. Josh

    Josh Guest

    Does anyone know if it's possible to take the document properties from
    one file and copy them to another existing file, or to replace
    properties by defining a new template file?? I would like to do this
    especially for drawings, but parts and assemblies would be great also.

    For drawings, the problem is when I update a legacy drawing to current
    standards, I have to manually go through and edit each dialog box
    within "Tools, Options, Document Properties" in order to ensure
    consistency from drawing to drawing. This is a very laborious process,
    just to get fonts, units, arrowhead sizes, etc. all to match!

    For parts/assemblies I would like to be able to define a new template
    which has all of my custom property fields, units, and other Document
    Properties defined, again to ensure consistency with current

    Has anyone else struggled with this problem, and have a solution??

    Josh, Oct 12, 2006
  2. Josh

    kenneth Guest

    kenneth, Oct 12, 2006
  3. Josh

    Josh Guest

    Thanks Ken. This seems to be the functionality that I am looking for,
    but this program doesn't seem to support 2007 yet. Has anyone tried it
    and had success? Also, I'm a bit nervous about using third party
    software that might create problems with my company's data files. No
    offense to the folks at, but I really would like to see
    this functionality addressed directly by SolidWorks, not 3rd party
    through an Excel spreadsheet. I suppose an enhancement request is in

    Josh, Oct 12, 2006
  4. In a drawing, you can load another sheet format and it can bring properties
    in with it. But if the drawing already has a property of the same name, it
    will stay right where it is. So if you want to bring in properties with
    their values, you need to first delete the existing ones in the drawing.
    This also has the advantage of allowing you to tell it NOT to replace the
    value of certain properties - you leave those there. You can highlight a
    group and delete all at once, just like Excel.

    Another method that will work with all 3 kinds of files is that you can
    paste in a whole batch at one time. Go search this NG for a title of Should
    I upgrade to 2006? and go down to where I talk about cutting and pasting
    custom properties as a lump. That way you can copy the whole group to the
    clipboard and then open each file and paste them in.

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 12, 2006
  5. Josh

    kenneth Guest

    i believe this has been requested numerous times (Enhancement Request) but
    to no avail.

    we're not brave enough to venture into 2007.

    aside from that, we've been using this macro since 2003 with nary a problem.
    kenneth, Oct 12, 2006
  6. Josh

    Josh Guest


    Thanks for the helpful tips on copying Custom Properties, however the
    main thing I want to accomplish is to replace the Document Properties
    (document specific options) under Tools, Options,... The ideal thing
    would be to simply say replace the current settings/options with all
    those from my default template. This could be done for drawings, parts
    and assemblies. This tool might also have the option to also
    copy/replace things like Custom Properties from the default template as

    Josh, Oct 12, 2006
  7. Ahh, right answer, wrong question - sorry.

    But, isn't there something in some SW Office version that lets you apply
    standards, or something? We only run the plain Jane version so I can't look
    for it.

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 12, 2006
  8. Check out SolidWorks Design Checker - will that do it?

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 12, 2006
  9. Josh

    Josh Guest


    Good idea/question...We just upgraded to SW Pro, but I haven't tried
    the Design Checker yet. I will look into that (as soon as time
    permits) and let you know if it does what I'm asking.

    Best regards,

    Josh, Oct 12, 2006
  10. Josh

    That70sTick Guest

    That70sTick, Oct 12, 2006
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