Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by S. Smith, Aug 28, 2007.

  1. S. Smith

    S. Smith Guest

    This may sound elementary, but I need help with copy command. I am using
    Acad2004. I have copied some areas and inserted into Excel for someone to
    review who does not have cad. Here is my dilemma. I was able to copy 3
    files successfully into Excel sheets. For some reason, now when I select a
    new copy set, when I paste into Excel, it is only the previous file. Is
    there someway that the copy command gets filled up? I have not been able to
    solve this with Help. Does anyone have any idea why I cannot copy a new set
    into Excel?
    Many TIA
    S. Smith, Aug 28, 2007
  2. S. Smith

    Bekki Guest

    I am having the same issues with copy on occasion. Both with AutoCAD's
    copy and with Windows' copy from a drawing. I find it happens most
    when the selection set is large. I haven't been able to figure why it
    does that but I did find that using AutoCAD's copy within the drawing
    with the new selection set (just copy off to a blank spot in the
    drawing and then deleting later) a few times seems to clear it.

    Does anybody know what is actually going on there? Maybe even how to
    fix it or things to check? I hate wasting time playing with it like
    that but I sometimes don't have another option to do what needs doing.
    Bekki, Sep 20, 2007
  3. S. Smith

    alanjt Guest

    seems like you need to clear the clipboard.
    alanjt, Sep 20, 2007
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