Copy/Transfer Word Doc into AutoCAD

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by My View, May 28, 2005.

  1. My View

    My View Guest

    I have a Word document that contains all the notes/clauses ever needed for
    the various types of projects we work on.

    For each project I would like to open this document in Word and modify it
    (ie delete unwanted notes/clauses) and then copy that final document into
    AutoCAD 2005 as perhaps MText.

    What is the best way to do this?

    Or is it better to set-up all notes/clauses etc in AutoCAD in the first
    place as say a notes template. Word seems easier.


    My View, May 28, 2005
  2. what i like to do is use Object linking and embedding (OLE objects).

    so essenially it works like this. you do yer shit in word then goto
    insert?OLE objects in Autocad andselect create from file

    this is with 2k4 so i'm not sure hour 2k5 is.

    then find the file in there broswer, and everytime you double click on
    the "text" object. it will openup word so you can exit the shit.

    once you are finished simply close word and it will update in cad.

    have fun
    CadMasterAdam, Jun 9, 2005
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