Copy part bug with 2004 SP0?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Brian Park, Sep 10, 2003.

  1. Brian Park

    Brian Park Guest

    I'm getting problems with the control/drag copy feature in 2004 SP0. When I
    do it to copy a part, it's "shadow image" shows but when I release the mouse
    the copied part disappears and does not show up on the feature manager. It
    is not consistent, sometimes it works, sometimes not. I did not see this
    problem with the Betas. Anyone else seeing this?


    Brian Park
    Brian Park, Sep 10, 2003
  2. Brian Park

    Nick E. Guest

    Brian Park quipped:
    not a bug.

    just picky.

    what i've figured: hold control down, then hold the LMB on the part you want
    to copy. Drag and place it roughly where you want it. release the mouse
    button and the ctrl button. STAY PERFECTLY STILL!!!! wait for the part to
    show up. resume work.

    it does work, but they did something to make it act really flaky.

    it's been like this with the PRs and SP0.0


    --nick e.
    Nick E., Sep 10, 2003
  3. Brian Park

    Jeff N Guest

    If you let go of the control key before letting go of the LMB then the part
    does not copy. Make sure you let go of the LMB first and it should insert a
    copy every time.
    Jeff N, Sep 11, 2003
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