Copy a part

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Dec 1, 2006.

  1. I found a new tidbit just a bit ago that might be a handy thing.

    In an assy, it's quite common to have some parts in there, and then desire
    to have another instance of something that's already in there. No problem,
    just hold the Ctrl key, and drag and drop into the graphics area. It will
    then add the new copy of the part at the bottom of the FT and you do
    whatever you want with it. Nothing new there.

    What I just found was that you can Ctrl drag and drop in the FT, as in grab
    the part that you want to copy that might be half way up the tree, and you
    want the new instance of the part to be right under the existing one, then
    just drop it there. The new instance will then be in the proper place in
    the tree and then you go to the graphics area and move/mate, etc.

    So the question then is whether it be better to place in the graphics area
    and move in the FT, or place in the FT and move in the graphics area. Only
    you can decide, but at least now you know you have an option.

    Ok, Muggs/Ed, here's your chance. :)

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 1, 2006
  2. Wayne Tiffany

    Muggs Guest

    Well, I can't speak for Ed, but I appalled that someone of Wayne's
    stature in the SolidWorks community would not know something as
    elementary as dragging and dropping within the Feature Manager.

    Just kidding of course (before someone flames me). I know that I have
    done this before, but there's SO MUCH that I don't know (just ask Wayne)
    that I'm never sure if it's "always been that way" or I've discovered
    something new.

    Muggs, Dec 1, 2006
  3. It's not the fact that you can drag and drop in the tree, the point is that
    you can drag and drop AND create a copy of the part at the same time. My
    mindset has always been to drop the new copy of the part where I want it in
    the graphics area so I don't have to "go find it" to put it where it
    belongs. But then after that, I have to drag and drop it in the FT where I
    want it. Now I realize I have a choice. (Nice you noticed the bait here.)

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 1, 2006
  4. Wayne Tiffany

    Gary K Guest

    Somewhat along the same lines - how do you move a part in the feature
    tree to a point just below an assembly? I can't get around the function
    where the sysmbol to add to the assembly appears. The same happens when
    trying to move an assembly just below another assembly. The purpose of
    my move is just to keep things in order

    I'm probably missing something really basic.

    Gary K, Dec 1, 2006
  5. A well hidden sleight of hand - hold the alt key.

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 1, 2006
  6. You know, there's something to the fact of being here in the wild, wild
    west. Sometimes dangerous, but learn how to protect yourself, wear a thick
    skin and hunt for the gold nuggets. I think I'll stick around here.

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 1, 2006
  7. Wayne Tiffany

    Gary K Guest

    Thanks! I had a feeling it was simple. Glad to hear you're staying
    with this forum.

    Gary K, Dec 1, 2006
  8. Actually, I should have explained "dangerous" - one danger is that sometimes
    you even get mugged..........

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 2, 2006
  9. Here's an update that points out a practical difference here. If you
    highlight more than one part and try to drag and drop into the graphics
    area, all you get is the part that you actually pulled on. If you do the
    same thing in the FT, you get a copy of all the highlighted parts.

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 12, 2006
  10. Wayne Tiffany

    Muggs Guest

    Not here in SW2006 SP5.1 or in SW2007 SP2.0!?!


    Muggs, Dec 12, 2006
  11. Wayne Tiffany

    Muggs Guest

    Sorry! disregard. I misread your post.
    You are correct.

    Muggs, Dec 12, 2006
  12. Dang, almost got mugged, but then he saw the light from above. :))))))

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 12, 2006
  13. Wayne Tiffany

    Bo Guest

    Danged good hints & tips. This forum is the best.

    There is just not enough time to study & explore everything. Work

    Bo, Dec 12, 2006
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