Coordinates of Colliding Objects

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jota180, Aug 9, 2004.

  1. Jota180

    Jota180 Guest

    I want to know the X,Y,Z co-ordinates of the point at which two 3D
    objects collide. Seems like the collision detection feature must know
    this, but I can't figure out how to display it. Anybody know?
    Jota180, Aug 9, 2004
  2. It's not that easy as colliding bodies might have multiple contact points,
    even an infinity (contact curve) and even a squared infinity (contact
    For a specific case (I guess yours is one), you have 2 approaches:
    1) add some geometry (planes, axes, points) to retrieve the contact point(s)
    by construction
    3) use a macro. I did one for a customer
    ( that builds coordinates
    for CAM based on tool/part contact detection. While writing that one, I
    discovered the collision detection used by SolidWorks in interactive mode, I
    found it was very imprecise. I had to, well, take a different approach to
    reach the micron precision the customer needed.

    Tell me if you need more help.
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Aug 10, 2004
  3. Yes, that's exactly how my "contact" macro works ;-)
    Maybe the animation on
    isn't clear enough, but for each angle of the blue part, it adjusts the
    dimension to the contact with the yellow mill (which has a round profile).

    The computation takes less than 1 second per point to achieve a (sub-)
    micron precision.
    I trust SW for using a collision detection algorithm that is both accurate
    and fast. I guess they already use some optimization techniques you
    describe, Cliff.

    Now, locating the position of the contact isn't that easy in some cases.
    Consider a 3-legged chair "colliding" the floor.
    It might have 1, 2 or 3 contacts depending on a tiny variation of the angles
    of the chair with respect to vertical.
    And with 4 legs, you'll know how rigid a 3d model can be... The main think
    is to define carefully (with tolerances) what you call a contact in your
    application, and depending on the answer, you might need FEA...

    Philippe Guglielmetti -
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Aug 10, 2004
  4. Jota180

    Jota180 Guest

    Thanks all for the info. I'm a SW newbie, and I was hoping I'd
    overlooked a pop-up that would provide the co-ordinates of the point
    of collision/interference. Oh well, maybe SW2006! Meanwhile, I'll be
    wrestling with axis, planes, and the measuring tool...
    Jota180, Aug 11, 2004
  5. Jota180

    Andrew Troup Guest


    Is this what you mean by "wrestling"? :

    If the contact occurs within a single face on each part, you can get a good
    idea of the location by moving them apart a tiny amount and then clicking on
    the faces and "Measure" will draw a yellow line between the points of
    closest approach. Getting the coordinates is not trivial, unless you only
    need an approximation. Maybe constraining a 3D point to lie on each face,
    and driving it from dimensions from your construction axes, and moving it
    (initially make dimensions driven and drag, latterly switch to driving and
    jog into position visually)
    Andrew Troup, Aug 12, 2004
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