Coordinate system color display options

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by nbprice, Jul 9, 2009.

  1. nbprice

    nbprice Guest

    Hi I have made a drawing to define the general refrence points and
    coordinate system used for a sensor that we produce.

    Anyways I have created the coordinate system as a refrence feature to
    display in the drawing. It displays fine except that I can't really
    control the size of the display. That's ok though just kind of

    The problem that I am having is that I cannot change the color of the
    displayed coordinate syste. (Default is Blue). I would like to change
    it so that it stands out better.

    I looked throught the system and document options for color, but there
    does not seem to be any control for the color of the coordinate system

    Any help?

    nbprice, Jul 9, 2009
  2. nbprice

    Engineer Guest


    There is no option to change the size and color of the coordinate
    system in the options. There might be some setting in SW registry file
    but will not advice/recommend to edit the registry.

    Deepak Gupta
    SW2009 SP3.0
    SW2007 SP5.0
    Engineer, Jul 10, 2009
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