coordinate extraction

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by manishanish, Nov 23, 2006.

  1. manishanish

    manishanish Guest

    Hi all,

    In solidworks, I have created a mill with lifters (similar to turbine
    with blades). Now, i would like to extract the coordinates of each
    point sothat I can rebuild it again in another software in which I have
    to provide the coordinates. For example, for a rectangular box, I have
    to provide 8 sets of data (xyz). In this regard, how can I get the
    coordinates of the points from solidworks. Or, is there any othere
    software which helps me to extract the coordinates.

    Thank you in advance for your valuable information.

    manishanish, Nov 23, 2006
  2. manishanish

    TOP Guest

    Not sure where you are going, but if you export as an STL file you will
    get points on the vertices of triangles.
    TOP, Nov 23, 2006
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