coordianate rotation

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by raghu, Apr 19, 2007.

  1. raghu

    raghu Guest

    I have a model that has a co-ordinate point created w.r.t default
    co-ordinate. The New co-ordinate is translated along x, y z directions
    as well as orienations along x y z directions and an additional angle
    to orient the co-ordiante about an axis. I .e it has 7 parameters
    defining its position. Can anyone explain how this has been done. I
    tried alot to figure out but efforts ended in vain.

    raghu, Apr 19, 2007
  2. raghu

    David Janes Guest

    I have a model that has a co-ordinate point created w.r.t default
    co-ordinate. The New co-ordinate is translated along x, y z directions
    as well as orienations along x y z directions and an additional angle
    to orient the co-ordiante about an axis. I .e it has 7 parameters
    defining its position. Can anyone explain how this has been done. I
    tried alot to figure out but efforts ended in vain.


    If this seemed to be at the center of mass, it was created with model analysis, then saved with a name and not hidden. If you don't see an analysis feature in the model tree, maybe it was moved to the Footer. If you see a Footer (under the Insert bar), check for the analysis feature there. This could have generated it.

    The other way I know to create your offset csys is to select the default csys then click the "Create CSYS
    Tool". This takes you to an interface where you can drag the new csys along axes or specify there values in input boxes. To specify rotation, go to the Orientation page.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Apr 20, 2007
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