Coord lisp routine

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Paul, Nov 25, 2003.

  1. Paul

    Paul Guest

    Does anybody have a lisp routine to select coordinates on screen and
    have the coordinate inserted into the drawing as mtext or better to
    save the coordinates to an external text file. If so I would
    appreciate being sent in the correct direction.

    Paul, Nov 25, 2003

  2. coordonnees du point: (getpoint) --> (x y z)

    dans un fichier:

    (setq file (open "nom_du_fichier" "a"))
    (print (getpoint) file)
    (close file)

    not tested
    Bruno Lintermans, Nov 25, 2003
  3. There's a routine on my site that you could easily modify called HowHi.LSP
    It draws a leader and inserts the Y coordinate into the leader text.
    Michael Bulatovich, Nov 25, 2003
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