converting two 3d curves into one

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Kumar, May 6, 2005.

  1. Kumar

    Kumar Guest

    Hi pro/E professionals,

    I am working for indian defence ministry

    i need ur help to solve my problem

    i am currently trying IMPELLER(Pump),

    here , can u tell me a command in wildfire which allows u to
    join two 3d curves having a common end point to make it a single curve.

    i found that merge command is not at all active when u select one or
    two curves .

    is there any other command 4 this???????

    kindly help me

    i will be waiting 4 ur earliest reply


    Aeronautical Development Agency
    Kumar, May 6, 2005
  2. Kumar

    Jeff Howard Guest

    here , can u tell me a command in wildfire which allows u to
    Select the curve (not the feature) and Edit, Copy, Edit Paste. Once the
    dash panel opens specify Approximate (? assuming that's what you want;
    default is Exact) and add the second segment (One by One or Tangent chain).
    The resulting object is a Composite Curve. Search Help, Part Modeling for
    the term "approximate" for more info.
    Jeff Howard, May 6, 2005
  3. Kumar

    Jeff Howard Guest

    ... Edit, Copy, Edit Paste. ...

    Ah, sorry. What version of Pro/E? The above is applicable to WF2. WF1 is
    slightly different, 2001 and previous still different (?). The help
    references should be valid tho' and you might find your answer there.
    Jeff Howard, May 6, 2005
  4. Here's how I do it, select the first curve in line so that it is
    highlighted in a bold red ( its 2 picks on the same line), then select #Edit
    key and select the curve again, enabling one-by-one selection. Holding down
    the shift key, select the rest of the curves, then select the check button.
    Gary Miglionico, May 7, 2005
  5. Kumar

    Kumar Guest

    thanks Mr.Jeff,

    I can now convert 2 or more connected curves to a single curve,
    it is actually done only by using Edit>copy command after selecting the
    first curve,

    Anyway have u tried to generate equations ,insted of these curves
    equations should represent the same 3d spline curve,,

    any suggestions for this????

    Kumar, May 9, 2005
  6. Kumar

    Kumar Guest

    thanks to u too Mr.Gary,

    ur info helped me!!

    have u tried to generate equations ,insted of these 3d curves
    These equations should represent the same 3d spline curve,,

    any suggestions for this????

    Kumar, May 9, 2005
  7. Kumar

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Anyway have u tried to generate equations,

    Nope. Not really sure that the goal is (?).

    Is it possible to write a curve out as *.pts or *.ibl? Will that do any

    All the bits and pieces are there but it would take a lot of digging;
    serious digging at that. Curve definitions (splines are polynomial
    expressions) are available (OpenNURBS?) and the curve's defining entities
    (control vertices and knot vectors) are stored in the database (take a look
    at an IGES export if nothing else).

    Jeff Howard, May 9, 2005
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