converting Pro/E to MicroStation w/o Smart Solids

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by xajas, Nov 27, 2003.

  1. xajas

    xajas Guest

    hello everybody,

    I am looking for a method of translation Pro/E models to MicroStation
    with specific restriction/requirement -> converted model should not use
    objet type Smart Solids. This is due to the integration of this
    translated MicroStation Models in to the Intergraph SmartPlant Review,
    which does not support/display this kind of objects. Any ideas,
    workarounds (e.g. replacing Smart Solids with other objects)?


    xajas, Nov 27, 2003
  2. xajas

    David Janes Guest

    : hello everybody,
    : I am looking for a method of translation Pro/E models to MicroStation
    : with specific restriction/requirement -> converted model should not use
    : objet type Smart Solids. This is due to the integration of this
    : translated MicroStation Models in to the Intergraph SmartPlant Review,
    : which does not support/display this kind of objects. Any ideas,
    : workarounds (e.g. replacing Smart Solids with other objects)?
    Here's the problem, xajas. Smart Solids, Smart Objects, Smart Profiles, and Smart
    Shapes are trade marks and property of Think3 Systems, not of Pro/ENGINEER and
    PTC. The conversion that you speak of, and "restriction/requirements" have nothing
    to do with this NG and the software this NG is set up to discuss, namely,
    Google Think3, you may get some satisfaction.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Nov 27, 2003
  3. xajas

    xajas Guest

    The conversion that you speak of, and "restriction/requirements" have nothing
    I will try. thanks anyway,

    xajas, Nov 28, 2003
  4. xajas

    David Janes Guest

    Ooops, sorry, I was wrong. Pro/e does have some kind of Parasolid conversion. All
    you emphasis on Smart Solids threw me off. But it is version dependent, wasn't
    activated until Wildfire or possibly 2001. What version do you have?

    David Janes
    David Janes, Nov 28, 2003
  5. xajas

    Barbarpapa1 Guest

    Hello David

    I hope this is not off-topic but is there a possibilty to import a parasolid
    file (file extension x_t, originated from UG) directly into Pro/E 2001 or

    Kind regards

    Barbarpapa1, Nov 29, 2003
  6. xajas

    David Janes Guest

    : Hello David
    : I hope this is not off-topic but is there a possibilty to import a parasolid
    : file (file extension x_t, originated from UG) directly into Pro/E 2001 or
    : wildfire?
    Yes, I just did it in Wildfire to confirm my answer to the previous post. To
    export to Parasolid (UG, SW), you must edit to contain the option
    ENABLE_PARASOLID_EXPORT and set the value to yes. I'm not sure if this is
    necessary for import via 'Insert>Shared data>From file'. Alternatively, you may
    even be able to open it directly with 'File>Open'. In any case, Pro/e uses it as a
    dumb solid, such as you get when importing iges or step data. I could build
    features on it but was unable to modify through 'Edit>Definition'.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Nov 29, 2003
  7. xajas

    Barbarpapa1 Guest

    Hello David

    Thank You for Your answer, it was really helpfull. After adding the line You
    mentioned to I was able to open and parasolid assembly consisted
    from approx 50 parts without any problems. I'll do some changes on parts and
    send them to my partner, who is working with UG18. I'll see then if this
    kind of communication will be succesfull.

    Thanks a lot...

    Barbarpapa1, Nov 29, 2003
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