Converting from Solidworks to Pro/E

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by roemea, May 8, 2007.

  1. roemea

    roemea Guest

    Ah, the age old problem. We are merging two divisoins of our
    company. One group uses Solidwoks and the other uses Pro/E. We have
    decided to use Pro/E going forward on all new projects. But now we
    need to deal with the legacy data in Solidworks. Most of it can be
    left as Solidworks since we will keep a seat for a while, but some
    projects need to be converted to native Pro/E.

    Does anyone have experience with any conversion software that can walk
    you through converting the models between different formats, with the
    end product being a parametric model?

    I do not have my hopes up that software is an option, so what about
    conversion services?
    Do you know of any reasonably priced places that I can provide
    Solidworks models and drawings, and get back Pro/E data?

    Thank you for your feedback,
    roemea, May 8, 2007
  2. roemea

    dsm Guest

    We have found that importing ProE in to Solidworks maintaining the
    feature tree works pretty well - as long as you check thoroughly,
    ideally against an existing drawing.
    However the problem really arises when you want to go the other way -
    SWX to ProE - you'll just get your dumb solid with no history.
    It appears at first sight that SWX are OK with importing ProE (and
    others) but ProE doesn't want you to import SWX.
    .....Can't think why :).....
    dsm, May 9, 2007
  3. roemea

    dutch7777 Guest

    Sounds like a nice little business venture....if you can stand to work
    with Pro all
    dutch7777, May 9, 2007
  4. roemea

    roemea Guest

    Thank you all for your comments, I too am frustrated by this age old
    interoperability issue. But what I am looking for is some practical
    advice or suggestions as to how you might have dealt with this
    problem. Vendors that you have had good luck with, or a conversion
    service that worked well for you.

    roemea, May 10, 2007
  5. The most practical approach is to never rely on 3d translation that goes
    beyond IGES or STEP. Any solution, no matter what cost, that claims to
    have full parametric translation between 2 3D systems is not going to
    last (they don't keep up with revisions, etc) and not work with the
    consistency and comprehensiveness you need to save costs.

    Does it stink; yep sure does.

    David Geesaman, May 10, 2007
  6. Andy,

    Our company provides Pro/E conversions services at very affordable
    We are an American owned company that provides quality CAD services
    in a timely manner. For a price quote, please email me with the
    of your needs. Looking forward to talking with you.


    ProE Solutions
    proesolutions, Jun 4, 2007
  7. roemea

    David Janes Guest


    Our company provides Pro/E conversions services at very affordable
    We are an American owned company that provides quality CAD services
    in a timely manner. For a price quote, please email me with the
    of your needs. Looking forward to talking with you.


    ProE Solutions

    Casey, as Andy's email address adn private 'reply to' was attached to his post, you could have easily replied in private. You chose to make it public, I'll assume, to thumb your nose at this non-commercial, technical, professional interest group and its functions. I'll also note that, while you're busy hustling clients, your post contributed nothing to the discussion of data conversions. Is it possible that you might make some friends here who'd be receptive to broader help if you showed that you were capable of helping at all, in any way, shape or form? So far, we don't know what you know or what you can do because you refuse, from the heights of your purist, pettibourgeois ivory tower, to participate or to contribute. I vote that we ban you from participating in this group in any other way than humbly lurking/contributing. Figure out what this whole thing is about and see if you couldn't make a small contribution. Ought to be no skin off the nose of a superuser like you, Casey. Or are you just another opportunist slug who's wormed his way into our sanctum sanctorum. Begone, Worm, be a Mensch!

    David Janes
    David Janes, Jun 5, 2007
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