Converting dwf to tif

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by jonasd, Nov 5, 2004.

  1. jonasd

    jonasd Guest

    I have a bunch of drawings in dwf from consultants that I need to convert to tif in order to place on Planwell. Any idea what software works best for this?
    jonasd, Nov 5, 2004
  2. jonasd

    Grantus Guest

    Hey Man,

    I can think of using Oce Publisher, process the DWF to LDF, then build
    job in Reprodesk from the LDFs. Then, "print" the job to TIFF out the
    job, using RD server.

    This implies you have Oce ReproDesk server and the freebie Oce

    Could also open DWF in ACAD, plot to PDF, and use RD or ghostscript.

    Have fun?
    Grantus, Nov 5, 2004
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