Converting 2D to 3D

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by hutchini, Jul 6, 2006.

  1. hutchini

    hutchini Guest

    Hi there,

    Does anyone know of a company in the UK (or indeed software) that can
    convert 2D autocad Drawings into 3D AutoCad Drawings?

    We use Navis Works to view 3D drawings sent by clients, but we have
    very little knowledge of AutoCad 3D.

    A Client has just sent us 50 or so 2D drawings - We would like them in
    3D so that we can use NavisWorks for presentations etc.....

    Many Thank,

    hutchini, Jul 6, 2006
  2. hutchini

    Dr Fleau Guest

    Regular ACAD is rather disappointing in terms of 3D, unless the models are
    really simple. For useable 3D models by Autodesk you have to get Inventor or
    Mechanical desktop at the least.
    I know some folks will post saying "I've modeled a full scale minotaur with
    hair and everything using ACAD" and bla bla bla, but 3D is not ACAD's
    strength, period. If you only need 3D for this 1 project, it might not be
    worth it, but if yur company is looking into evolving to 3D, consider
    Inventor or Solid Edge.

    My 0.02$

    Dr Fleau, Jul 6, 2006
  3. hutchini

    JG Guest

    The implication is that it's a 2d drawing. Verify that it isn't
    flattened views of a 3d drawing. (check the properties of the various
    objects and see if they have 3 coordinates that vary from object to
    object, if the drawing does not have all 3 coordinates varying that
    means it does not include the necessary info to make a 3d drawing out of
    it.) If you don't have that info you have to modify each line to give it
    the 3rd dimension. No program can do that since there is no way for any
    software to predict what are the 3rd coordinates for each end of a
    straight line, and if a curve, spline, pline etc what are the
    coordinates along that object. To achieve that you would have to have
    multiple views from different directions that show each object and then
    tell the program which lines in the first view are the same lines as on
    the other views. Even if the software exists, it sounds extremely
    tedious to get every line linked to its equivalent in the other views.
    It probably would be easier to maually re-input the info.
    JG, Jul 6, 2006
  4. hutchini

    uNkulunkulu Guest

    You may have to redraw all the drawings in 3d, as long as you have enough
    views of the objects and all relevant dimensions this is not impossible just
    time consuming. you will need front and back views, both side views and top
    and bottom views.

    uNkulunkulu, Jul 6, 2006
  5. LOL
    Michael Bulatovich, Jul 6, 2006
  6. hutchini

    Dr Fleau Guest

    AND, I'm going on vacation in about an hour, for 2 weeks, so there. No
    relevance whatsoever, but I had to share the joy. If ever you're in
    Rimouski, Quebec in the next week, email me and we'll grab a beer or coffee
    in the shade. And a nice cigar.

    Dr Fleau
    Dr Fleau, Jul 7, 2006
  7. hutchini

    longshot Guest

    try modeling a small town or an industrial plant using anything but ACAD &
    you will see just how much memory those bla bla bla modeling softwares use.
    one fatal crash after another
    longshot, Jul 7, 2006
  8. hutchini

    Dr Fleau Guest

    What good would it do to model a small town in 3D ? For an animation movie,
    sure, but for dimensioning ? Please give me 1 good reason to spend more then
    15 minutes on a single building, if that, for size reference. As for an
    industrial plant, you do individual sections, if not individual machines,
    and Xref them if you need a global view. Anyone who models a full-scale
    plant in full detail in ACAD deserves the nervous breakdown he (she) will no
    doubt suffer.
    ACAD sucks for 3D, that is my opinion based on my experience. You obviously
    adhere to ACAD for modeling, and I hope you have numerous years of success
    doing so. All I said is that 3D is not ACAD's forte.

    You probably have a minotaur in your repertoire.

    Dr Fleau.

    p.s. I'll still buy you a beer if you come down to Rimouski, you know.
    Dr Fleau, Jul 7, 2006
  9. What kind of guy would go to Rimouski in the summer?
    Michael Bulatovich, Jul 8, 2006
  10. hutchini

    Happy Trails Guest

    What kind of guy would go to Rimouski?

    (Sidney Crosby?)
    Happy Trails, Jul 8, 2006
  11. hutchini

    longshot Guest

    I have a solidworks license at my disposal as well as acad 2000i, 2006, &
    2007. the solid works can do things the acad can't & it definitely has its
    place, for large projects it bogs down any computer you try & run it on.
    ACAD is the industry standard & we are sharing files with many disciplines.
    it's really the only option for modeling plants.
    longshot, Jul 8, 2006
  12. hutchini

    per.corell Guest

    Dr Fleau wrote:

    True -- but then ,that depend .
    If you are drawing a whole city ,then each building will proberly be a
    useless box, useless to project the individual building from , but not
    useless if all you ask is a town scene just the outside panels, still
    these are two different things and nomatter what trouble you face with
    AutoCAD one thing is sure, it acturly project the house --- but
    ofcaurse not if all your house is, is an emty Solid just acting the
    outher limits of the house.
    Still what I like about AutoCAD is that you know the dimensions are
    right and what you can draw in 3D can be build.

    Then again --- even architecture are in for a change ; all these smart
    programs offer is acturly just how things alway's been done, just
    re-written into fast computer code, the architect application is still
    mainly a database that store windows and doors just as how you would
    have written it into a tradisional paperbased account. The way it
    shuld work, is that you in detail draw and project the building and
    _then_ ask the computer program to calculate the building compoments
    that will produce this house -- only one concept work that way , 3D-H .
    per.corell, Jul 8, 2006
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