Convert Spice netlist to schematic view.

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by pancy, Mar 28, 2007.

  1. pancy

    pancy Guest

    Hello everybody who would like to help me,

    I'm writing my Master's Degree Thezis now.
    I have to convert the netlist view which describs schemas to
    schematic view that is graphical ,
    so it is understandable for reading .
    The problem is with placing tranzistors, resistors and other elements
    in the schematic view .

    Could somebody help me, is there any programs or algorythms written
    concerning this kind of converter.
    I think that the problem is described understandable , if no , please
    sorry .

    Thanks a lot and Great Regards,
    pancy, Mar 28, 2007
  2. pancy

    DReynolds Guest

    It is called CDLin and you get it from file->import->CDL

    DReynolds, Mar 28, 2007
  3. pancy

    pancy Guest

    But I need an example of such code which do the conversion .
    How can I see it ? And what is CDL . Please describe if it is
    pancy, Mar 29, 2007
  4. pancy

    S. Badel Guest

    Have you heard of a company named 'Cadence' that sells tools for Electronic Design Automation ?

    You're posting in that newsgroup right now !

    From what I understand, you want to make schematics for displaying, in your thesis I suspect. If
    that's the case, then I tell you right away : you'd better off drawing them by hand. No tool will
    generate for you a schematic which looks nice enough.

    Use any tool you like, xfig, xcircuit, visio, inkscape or a real schematic editor.

    S. Badel, Mar 29, 2007
  5. pancy

    pancy Guest

    Hello ,
    Yes I have heard of company 'Cadence'.
    So if im not mistaken , it has tool which can take netlist file as the
    input file and output schematic view of it
    (.sch for example).
    I think that some other tool may exist which do opposite operation ,
    that is , outputs from schematic file a netlist.
    I guess that it would be hard to create nice view of schematic
    characterization of the schemma.
    And please tell if this -- xfig, xcircuit, visio, inkscape editors are
    available , and what do they do in more details?

    pancy, Mar 29, 2007
  6. pancy

    DReynolds Guest

    Anna, the previous post I gave you told you how to convert a
    CDL(Component Descpription Language) netlist into a schematic. CDL is
    close enough to spice that if you have spice netlists, then you are
    all set (assuming you actually have cadence available)

    I agree with the previous poster that the schematics will not be that
    pretty, and you are better of drawing them. You never said how many
    devices are in your schematics, if they have hierarchy or anything
    like that which will influence how you need to draw them to make them


    DReynolds, Mar 29, 2007
  7. xfig, xcircuit, visio, inkscape are general purpose figures drawing
    tools. The latter is one of Microsoft Office package.
    I think as in posts above that you do it with hand, it will be much
    easier and time saving..If you further plan to append in you thesis,
    then i still prefer to extract it by hand, then just draw from your
    hand drawings on Visio or whatever.

    Reotaro Hashemoto, Mar 30, 2007
  8. pancy

    mikelou Guest

    Try google for SpiceVision. I don't think there's any software can
    convert spice netlist to a readable schematic because you don't know
    where to place the components. Only EDIF can but EDIF is very loose
    standard and can have various issues on EDA tools.
    mikelou, Apr 6, 2007
  9. pancy

    johnlipsius Guest

    johnlipsius, Apr 9, 2007
  10. Newer versions of cadence >IC6.1 has a feature called SpiceIn. This
    tool generates schematics from your spice netlist. There are some
    issues if the multiplier factor is an indirect variable. (An issue
    with TSMC) I had to do some hacking on the CDF with SKILL to solve
    this. I find the resulting schematic discusting and confusing. It is
    almost worse than nothing.

    SpiceVision is a tool that I have used extencively to get an
    impression what functionality is in a spice netlist. SV will export
    you a skill file that you can load into cadence. You tell SV what
    reference libraries you are using, and it will even stick the
    analogLib symbols in there for you. You need an extra license for the
    SKILL export, though.
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Apr 11, 2007
  11. --- Spicevision --- I use it; works great. ---- Vemo tool ---- don't know about it
    hreidmarkailen, Apr 12, 2007
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