Convert sketches to part

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Rich, Sep 9, 2005.

  1. Rich

    Rich Guest


    I have been playing around with some IDF files and importing them then,
    seems to work pretty well with the freebie cutdown circuitworks you get. I
    notice that each electrical component is just an extruded sketch, in other
    words the whole thing is imported as a single part, with lots of features
    for the individual components. I want some of the components to be accurate
    models for clearance checking not just a simple extrusion though.... onto
    the question... ;-) it possible to convert a part with features, into an assembly, where
    each feature is a new seperate part? this would make it easy to 'replace
    part' with the correct full model.

    2. another better way?


    Rich, Sep 9, 2005
  2. Rich

    TOP Guest

    Use the split command or cut with surface to remove the offending
    TOP, Sep 9, 2005
  3. Rich

    Rich Guest


    I just tried using split, its *okay* when you have just a few features but
    when there are many it is a real chore. I was looking for a more automated
    method. Also when you then replace the part afterwards it is incorrectly
    oriented (no mates) I guess it would be okay if you could just say save
    all, rather than doing each one seperately. Would even be okay if it named
    the file automatically from the feature name. Any other ideas?


    Rich, Sep 9, 2005
  4. Rich

    Rich Guest


    DOH! I hadn't realised the IDF importer creates a multibody part! all of a
    sudden it becomes easy! (Right click in bodies and save as/create assy for
    any future readers!)

    Take Care

    Rich, Sep 9, 2005
  5. Rich

    P. Guest

    Rich wrote:
    If it is a single feature on a board then select the edges where the feature
    meets the board. Use the surface fill command to create a small surface
    between the board and the feature. Then use Cut with surface to remove or
    split to separate.
    P., Sep 11, 2005
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